Any reason why my pings are higher than they used to be?

Re installed et after playing wow for a while, on every server I go to without fail I get 98-110 pings, where as I used to get 40-60 pings.

27960 port is forwarded(not sure if that helps)

Now I amen't downloading/uploading.

Any specific console commands? my rate is 25000, maxpackets is 76.

I haven't changed ISP or router, so i don't know the problem.
u moved to poland?
same here
pb_security 0
pb_sleep 500
today i have high pings too almost everywhere ... i think its global in europe, cuz i heard a lot of people about this :\
you are officially jew :D
him too since he got jew ping !
Oh... Right. Why are you hating on yews :(
A yew is a kind of plant you know.
Is it edible/smokeable?
ge zijt nen echte smoorder ze :p
Ja neje eiglijk valt da goe mee ze kheb nog nooit een saf aangeraakt :P alleen zo nu en dan op feesjes enzo, da hoortr bij eh!

Why is he such a faggot;(
its always cuz of the parents :>
How are your parents :D?
my father killed many arabs :o(
Why, how? Awesome :D
You on irc?
yes i wait for you :DDD
your internetcable should be close to an outside wall, not an inside one, lol!
i've had 200 ping to the half of the germany for a few months a few time ago, that was ISP's problem, think yours is also
Do a trace route to one of the servers and post the result here if you need help reading it.
I've had 90 ping+ for about 6 months and never found a away to fix :x
typical isp/router issue, try resetting or turning your router off for several minutes, then start it again. It can also be a overloaded dslam you use (servers which isps use to provide internet to people through cables), only way you can be sure of that is to see if at your town many people have moved in next to you.This problem is quite common in Greece and several other lagger countries.It can also be a wire malfunction (from dslam to phone cable) due to water damage etc, its not unheard of.
dSLAM.Hellhammer :DDD I bet someones gonna use that for a clanname, has a nice ring to it :P
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