Does your day follow a certain routine?

Post here the "normal" routine that your day usually follows. Mine goes like this:

I wake around 7 am, go to school, leave at 16.00pm and then I go to work till 20.00 pm, and finally arrive home around 20.30pm, Mon-Thursday, and I don't work fridays, so I have only school during that day, and then I go party for a few days. Thats how my week usually goes
I wake up at 7.30 , leave to school at 8.15 , leave school at 16.00 , be lazy behind my pc till 1/2 am, go sleep , same again

Only difference is at friday & saturday when I go out
I wake around 7am, roll a joint, go on bus while getting some happy ideas, going to school, sleeping, end between 12-16, then 5-10 beers, and then home, drunken dota, on monday dr house @ tv, and then sleep :P
lolled @ dr house xD
why? its best tv series ever..



he's really good :>
chek out Entourage , is fucking epic
i just wanted to say i fuck on everything but dr house
ye I know watched almost every episode
lol house is my favourit tv show ever :DDD
the mind fuck he does to ppl :(
i couldnt believe that in the end of s04 amber died :(
and now in s05 dr.jew willson is leaving :(((
terrible :d
thx 4 spoiler... we are just having 3 or 4th episode of 4th serie...
lol rly :o
season 5 atm
episode 3 :~>
i wont dl it.. i just love the czech dubbing...
anyway czech dubbings sucks @ all films, series, but in dr house and simpsons i just love it :]
QuoteI roll a joint, going to school, sleeping, then 5-10 beers

And then they say nowadays kids don't have a purpose in life ^^
don't scary us with hungarian :D
i have no routine except sleeping everuday till 10:30
wake up at 6:30 go to school at 7:30 go home at 13.05 and went back at 15.30 till 17.00.
then turned the pc on!
and you manage to keep your self together with that routine? gj :d

seems like you have no leisure time whatsoever :d
Well, working out at gym is good way to release stress, although I do have hard times to get myself up from the sofa to do some work outs :>
wake up, wank, work, wank, work, wank, come home, wank, play et, wank, sleep. That's pretty much it.
wake up about 8-9 , go school , home about 13 and then homeworks and playing on comp then trainings and then home + tv
Wake up, try to take over the world, sleep
r u tryning to make us jealous? if so u won :p
every day same procedure at least working days.. and i hate it.
Heh, one reason that makes my work more fun , is that I have 4 friends working in the same place :-P
well thats idd a point to be jealous! :DD
I mean friends that I have known for like ages.( just noticed how stupid my earlier comment sounds, of course people do have friends at work :-D)
what you need is my cock !
and shlomo artzi mis.saskia :~>
best song ever !
wake up at 6:15 have a shower go to school at 8:00 then leave school at 16:00 get home at 16:30 then do homework and go on pc =D
7.38AM: Radio starts playing
7.45AM: Radio stops playing and I run to my shower
8.00AM: I've taken a show, put my clothes on and made my bag.
8.15AM: finished breakfast and leave home for school
8.20AM: arrive at my friends home to drive together at our bikes to school
8.35AM: school starts
15.45PM: school ends
16.15PM: back home, chilling at the TV, checking out crossfire/facebook
17.00PM: dinner
17.15PM->23.00PM: studying / soccer / tennis / TV / PC
6.00 phone says wakeup
- eating and stuff
6.30 going to the train
7.00 chilling in zeh train
7.45 going with the bike to school

random time @ home

making homework going to work/gym
Wake up at 7 and go to school till' 14-16.
Go home and eat, gym from 17-18 to 19-20.
Back home at 19-20 and then I either study or am with my girlfriend.

Weekends with girlfriend unless I have to study for some test or so.
Alarm goes at 8
hit snooze several times until like 9
have a shit, wash, clean my teeth, eat some cheerios, do my hair
sit on PC all day looking for a job whilst banging out some epic tunes and playing some ET
eat, then sleep
waking up play ET go sleep thx
every day is spontaneous :D
lol dont lie, your day goes: The Witcher -> school but u stay home to play Witcher -> eat -> Witcher - > next day
i finished school :~>
w/e work then :P
bet u never show up cuz u are playing witcher then!
i bet no one can work here in what im working
physical work :(
and stop, its holiday, i can play how much i want :(
gimme a link to download :D
download what? :d
the game duh
i donno :(
i wanted to give you torrent from torrent leech but you are a friend of leokino and you once said you hate me :d
so i dont trust you x_x
but we already had 2 great conversations and I am to lazy to search it myself :<
Parent :~<
you're day goes eat, eat, eat, game, eat, eat, game, sleep
Every day is different
gtfo :)
I plan to take over the world every day. Then I fall asleep.
image: Pinky_and_the_Brain
i guess meez is the retarded mouse :~>
depends on the day:

non uni day :

wake up whenever,
go on computer,
watch tv,

+ misc. activities like clubbing,drinking or sporting

uni day :

wake up early,
go to uni,
come back,
6.30 wakeup/wash my hair/choose clothes
7.50-16.30 school
17.30-20.00 training
20.00-24.00~ watch tv or write useless posts on xfire
i eat whenever i got time btw :D
I wake up 07:00 (but usually i fall asleep and wake up at 08:00 :) )

Monday: school starts 08:45 and ends 14:35 17:00 - 18:00 hobby: floorball
Tuesday: school starts 07:55 and ends 14:35 16:00 - 17:30 floorball
Wendnesday: school starts 08:45 and ends 14:35
Thursday: school starts 89:45 and ends 14:35 16:00 - 17:00 floorball
friday: school starts 08:45 and ends 14:35
if i have to be in college all 5 lessons then

7 up
8 college
15 home, pc
2 sleep
5:50 wakeup; then till 6:10 complaining about why the fuck i do this shitty job and therefore have to get up -> shower, getting dressed 6:30 start to work -> 16:00 getting home, looking in an empty kitchen sit in front of my py -> 23:00 watch family guy/american dad/south park (all that mtv stuff) -> sleep
6:30 - Wake up, choose clothes etc
6:50 - Breakfast
7:05 - Wash my teeth
7:17 - Go to the bus stop
7:25 - Bus takes me up
7:35 - Get down from the bus and I walk to the school
7:40 - Get in school
13:25 - Walking to the bus stop or shop
13:49 - Bus takes me up
13:58 - Get down from the bus and walk home
14:10 - Make some meal turn on the PC and I give some food to my dogs.
17:00 - I start to learn a bit
17:30 - Playing again
21:00 - Take a shower dinner etc
22:00 - TV

Pc from the morning until 18:00(sometimes earlier) then partytime with friends.
8:00 Turn on Computer
8:01 Get coffee
8:30 Wake up
8:31: *fap* *fap *fap*
11:00 Take a shit
11:30 Eat
11:45 Fap more
14:00 Sleep again
15:00 Watch some movie
17:00 Play some games
22:30 Eating, fapping, chatting, all at the same time!!1
01:30: Go to sleep
Wake at 7:30 - Shower - Out of house at 8:10 - Drive to college - start college at 9:15 - home at 16:00 - Check emails/facebook/ - play ET/Golf/FIFA/Football - TV - Eat - Sleep
wake up at 05.30
then shower
take a shit
leave for work at 06.00
ariive at work at 06.15
work till 18.00 cet mostly sometimes 19.00
comming home around 18.20
18.30 going on irc calling my clan mates retards etc
19.00 till whenever we stop playing ET
after ET sleeeeeeep time

in weekend wake up at 12.00 cet and start drinking till the next morning mostly
1st week

wake up @ 6:20, go to school at 6:50, home by 15 cet( 14 on friday, thursday varies), eat, sleep for 2-3h, do some random stuff, learn a bit and do hw, play some games, watch some series and i'm in bed around 0:30 cet

2nd week

wake up at 9-10 cet, eat, do hw and learn, watch something if i feel like it, go to school at 12:10 cet, home @ 20 cet, feeling all sleepy, eat, watch something or play something or do whatever i want, sleep after that around 1 cet
get up
have a wank
have a wank
have a wank

and this every day
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