Latest quality test

For the people who are interested in this subject, I am going to show you my latest quality sample.
The sample can be downloaded here.

I'll be not making any movies again, unless I've got a lot of free time.

Featuring player: image: nl mAxi
Type match: 3on3
Map: Braundorf B4

Recorded resolution: 1920x1200
Resized to: 1280x720
Cl avidemo: 200
Length: 30 (sec)
Size: 16 Mb

Does somebody know a good free webhosting which support ftp and has more than 100gb data transfer?
More hate please, than you will get a lot of attention!
i'm not interested.
as i said on msn some days ago, the motion blur isnt that good (not smooth :S ).
rest is fine
However I added supersample init and disabled resample..
Perhaps I did it wrong?
QuoteThe download link can be found in my profile.

No feedback from me then.
I was on my mobile phone, updated post with the download link.
oh, fair enough then

you typed out all that on a phone that doesn't have a qwerty keyboard? impressive patience really
Well, unless you can type text messages very fast than it doesn't take that long. But thanks!
oww lol....

nice sampel dude.
It's good.
Spend your time on edit instead of quality tests, gl.
I like it. NICE
Its good.
but jesus sux :XDASDASD
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