quakelive config halp


I just got my quakelive beta key, and want to palypaly with it, BUT i don't know that much about the config comands and i dont know is it possible to put your old q3 cfg into qlive either.

So what i need:

- A guy who playing with qlive and could halp meh
- or a good cfg
- or a site where i can find "which command what would change?"


Please don't whine!
i think there is a thing called options :x worked for me :D
like u can change anything important there
Everything that needs to be changed u can change from there!
not even fov -..-
ye you can change fov :> graphics and such just look threw it
must be new :I
just simple
watch the quakelive forum, theres allot of stuff

yes its possible 2 play with ur old q3 config

im not @ home so i cant rly help u right now :S
where can u get betakey, sir?
i ask that as entering email on page didnt work out for me.
yeh quite a few
just give account to me and i'll fix the cfg for ya!
Does anyone have a spare invite for me please? :[
:S still waiting for my invite
yeyey yesterday I've received my ql invite <333
Is there anything like adding servers to fav list?
i want a fucking invite :(
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