Internet Connection

Hey hey

on this laptop my internet is working trough LAN cable (my wireless died few days ago)

but on my other laptop with the same LAN cable plugged in the exact same way it won't connect. well actually it says connection astablished but it just doesn't work :<

press F1 !
I have no idea but I can offer you to join #accurate
ALT + F4, then go to desktop and press CTRL + A then press enter :D
possible shit:

- bad internet-settings (provider...)
- static ip or smth
- cable-socket broken (laptopside)
- ...
Have you got a DNS which has established a connection? Recently I have been losing DNS aswell. My internet will go down really quickly (10seconds of booting up) and I will have to reset modem to get around a minutes connection. I repaired it by using Open DNS which seems to work fine.
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