Backshoot !

My back hurts me so hard but I can't explain it !

Sad :(
same here, three man jumped on me last soccer match.. couldn't walk for 2.5 days
nice whine
elbowed the guy later >:DDDD
red card imo
admins, ban, pls,

that would only make his back pain worse surely?
It might force him to get away from his pc and out of that shitty chair, which surely is the cause of his discomfort as i have experienced this myself! Therefor I submit the motion to BAN!
roll down the stairs, if ur lucky everything is in the right position again, if you are unlucky .. well thats ur problem
Thanks , I'll test it
Get some news paper, roll it up into a ball and cover it with PVA glue and tissue paper.

Leave to dry for approximately 2 and a half hours.

Then tear out your spine and replace with the one you have just made. Back problem solved.
too less sport, so no muscles at ur back
or stop at front less hurts at the back
magnesium, you need more
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