Serious Discussion: Sharia Law in Britain

OK, lets get this out of the way straight away. I am NOT condoning or citing any sort of racial hatred and/or trolling.

There are a multitude of countries and religions that visit Crossfire and it would be nice to get a fully fledged opinion from various sides of the world regarding this.

Pat Condell puts it into better words than I do but personally I don't really mind people coming into the country LEGALLY but I really detest the fact that they think they can push laws from other countries onto us and make us teach Islamic practices in our schools, this is OUR country (Britain) and OUR rules, we wouldn't come to your country and demand that you start teaching and preaching our laws, it's just not done.

Watch these two videos to get an overall idea of my opinion on this matter, again, I don't want to spark any sort of racial or religion hatred, this is a controversial thread but I want actual opinions from people who have a least some sort of brain and can make a post that coincides with what I set out with this thread, a serious discussion.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Pat Condell seems the sort of guy we could with leading the country but alas, when would someone who would change and help the country find their selves in any sort of authority role? It doesn't and won't happen. Sure, Blair may have had a good go at it but at the end of the day he was a puppet to the cause and never really had an intellectual opinion.

I guess this will be interesting.

Please read the entire thread AND videos before you make a post. I really do mean this as a serious discussion.


Little bit more reading material for people who are genuinely interested.

Sharia Law "unavoidable" in Britain:
what total bullshit. thx for the post tho. BNP!
Nice contradiction of your own reply :|
i meant the saudi stuff is bullshit.
BNP are cunts though
yeah they are.. but to have britain back, bnp, the other fucking politicians couldnt possibly talk more shit or they would drown inside.
I should rule Britain.
I'd separate England from Wales and classify them as French, Scotland can come down next to Wales and we'll create one hell of a motherfucking party involving mead and whiskey \m/
wtf, i live close enough to wales. can i get an invite?
How close are we talking here? ;)
warrington 50 mins 2 north wales. LEMME IN
Join the army, they'd love a patriot like you. :s
Please stop the racist remarks
knew this stuff allready , Yermany = new Turkey. If you would try to go to middle east and try to teach cristian stuff,you think they would allow it?
UK politics is a joke anyway, I'm beyond giving a shit. Top two parties are retarded, lib dems will never get in, and voting any other is just senseless. Best to get out before World War 3 imo.
Lib Dems shouldnt ever get in.
was using will synonymously with should! :(
Atlantis is now on this friday!
Aye, heaven forbid we get a Chancellor in Vince Cable that knows what he's doing... or a leader that's not looking to spend £12 billion on a database to track everyones internet browsing habits in a time of global recession. Or record wasteful spending on public services with near negligible benefits. Or a party that once a MP is elected has the best reelection rate. It's not idealistic to not want your tax revenues wasted. The good (and there's plenty over 10+ years) is sunk beneath the myriad of incompetence, waste & shocking civil liberty infringements.

The torys where to start =[
Yep, I mean, what with the financial status at the moment we won't be getting anything nice in the next few years anyway.

Sure it will all settle down eventually but I don't see anything drastic before 2010, I think we are in quite a bad state globally at the moment and shit needs fixing. But I am getting away from the point of the thread.

UK politics is going down the pan and we could do with someone who can inspire some life into the country and deliver promises. We need Churchill.
Dont give it that idealistic rubbish that politics is down the pan etc, thats a load of rubbish. We're just 18 months post one of the most successful leaderships this country has ever had and prior to Blair, we were just 6 years post Thatcher another phenominal leader. In 30 years we've had two of this centuries greatest political leaders, nothing is down the pan.
Any leadership that actively supports the actions of the US cannot be called successful for me.
Idealistic Street population Meez & Acksaw
Too much fantasy leads to Idealistic beliefs :(
Anime is shit
Do people seriously have the impression that I'm obsessed with anime? ;_;
yes. we all believe you wank over cartoons meez.
who cares where something comes from or how a story is told really
I'm the last one that would support a active american action or even vote for it but just note this: There is more in the world then america, you cant just judge someone like blair for supporting america in active actions. This discusion goes about a problem inside England (i have to admit, we in holland have the same problem, and yes we, atleast I, do see some side-effects of immigration as a problem).
Well, I mean certainly we are able to recover and true enough we have just come out of a successful leadership but still, mistakes were made (big ones!) and will continue to be. I'm just reading through Kevlar's post at the moment and he put it's in better words that I certainly could, he is basically getting across what I don't have the intelligence to put into words.
The market is correcting itself, I wouldnt say mistakes lead to it - the markets are too big and interconnected to be regulated and thus government intervention (or lack there of) is not to blame.
Correcting itself, yes. But not fast enough, everyday we hear about big bangs buying the smaller banks out of debt, Lehman brothers and such. What happens when this happens to the BIG banks? The stock market is in absolute chaos at the moment, from the stock market point of view we are still going down. Things will happen, just VERY slowly. I can see this affecting us worse than 9/11.
Oh give me a break. 9/11 didn't effect us at all.

The UK receives the most foreign investment in Europe and it's growing. In a few years we'll make more money than Germany.

We own the "biggest" company in the world (HSBC - a bank) and the likes of Barclays have actually profited from the demise of the American giants, and have full support of the Chinese, who're one of its biggest investors.

The UK banking system is consolidating its position in the world and getting rid of the dead weight. A lot of the problems are caused by capitalism and multi-national companies. We can't have the best of both worlds. If you want to borrow money then we've to accept that crashes like this happen every couple of decades.
the pound is still the best :') haha lets see how long it takes for england before they transfer to the euro. I think if england wants to make more money then germany it should shift to it ;) Because the pound is worth like 1.30 euro (i could be wrong here with the exact number) its cheaper for the euro country's to products from america. If England shift to zeh euro your export will rise.

The only problem is... the pound got a huge historical value :D
The only reason Germany makes more money than the UK is because of the population difference. They do export more because they use the euro but that's not the only reason. And, I don't believe the UK will ever change to the euro. I think we might even pull out of Europe altogether.
hmhm i know germany has a bigger population (80million if im right), U.K only has 65 if i m right? But if the UK wants to make more money then germany, they should shift to the euro. Germany makes more money then the UK because they already using it and has a bigger population, we agree about that point. Maybe you didnt get that out of my comment (its hard to talk about things like this in english for me haha ;-))

I also think GB is not gonna change to euro, besides the historical value its the most strongest currency in the world, you should be proud of that :D
The amount of money the UK would make from switching to the euro would be negligible. In fact I think we might lose money. More trade with Europe. But less money from the finical institutions.
"I think we might even pull out of Europe altogether. "

You were doing so well until this bold idealist statement, that simply is not on the cards in the slightest.

"The amount of money the UK would make from switching to the euro would be negligible."

This is an interesting debate, London is the gateway to Europe for Asia and the US as all the major airlines have their biggest European base at Heathrow. One argument is that by changing to the Euro they would then have no further need to leave London to conduct their business. It's an argument that has quite some flaws, but with London being the busiest international hub and now according to many editors the economic capital of the world, does it help or hinder us to be out of the euro.
I'm not so sure, I mean I do agree about Thatcher and Blair but we need someone to mix up the rules and distort the pan. Thatcher certainly did that and Blair was building on it (albeit slowly) but we need more regulation on illegal immigrants for one. I'm all for people flocking to the country legally. You get your papers, you get in, that's all fair.

I'd like to see a political party that has been sitting on the sidelines gathering what small support they can to rule for a few years to see what we could potentially get in terms of new and improved (or vice versa) laws and such.
you need kevlar mate :D
I heard you'll be propping RBS in Darlings speach tommorow
you watch your filthy mouth. RBS have all my money fella. theyre lovely people. its that nasty BANK of SCOTLAND that suck big hairy donkeyballs.
Scottish economy going the way of Iceland without Kevlar's instrumental support? Quite likely
i pay ludecrous ammounts of tax fella. i really do. but pay them i do, to send little men off to holland to shoutcast pc games, lucky twats. go get a job toss :<
i do not in any way agree with the BNP or any of their propoganda. i have read a lot of their stuff, and to me, its wrong. we have to have a moral society, one that welcomes cultures and religions into it, whereas i also agree the uk system is beyond fucked now, its gone so far trying to be "pc", anyone not british can now call us a racist if they dont get their own way, and worse still, usually get the backing of our government , who just dont want to rock the boat. teaching muslim only schools, is well, tbh, not my cup of tea,as it seems to alienate them and our kids even more, but the muslim polulation in the uk has grown hugely, so you have to accomodate them somehow. polish people flocking to the uk also, fair enough, help the poor fuckers out, but i dont think naming street in polish is the done thing really, but yet, it is happening.

the flipside to that coin though is this. when youre in a foreign country, you live by their laws and rules, or pay the consequences. if you go to holland, and smoke weed in the street, you might get jailed. if you visit yemen, and try to open up a new catholic chapel, youll get lynched, its not done. so why treat someone in the uk differently cos of their religion or colour of skin? you live in the uk, ok, you dont call youreself british, but if youre here, abide by our laws or face the same deal that any other person not abiding to our laws gets. dont invent a whole new law system for someone who CHOSE to live here. no-one made them live here, they CHOSE to. so rules apply to you to.
You've put it much better than I could. I was trying to make a reply to this but I went blank. I pretty much agree word for word.

The fact that we now have all of these words or phrases that can be called racist is BEYOND a joke. Things like "Blackboard" and "Black Sheep" being racist is absolutely pathetic. A blackboard. Christ, it's been called that for years. It's a board that's coloured black. That's it. We are not saying it looks like the local immigrant from Bangladesh, we don't even incite it. It's true, as you say, that anyone not a British nationalist can be called a racist and it's, to be frank, beyond a joke.

Of course, we need to make people welcome to the country, they obviously come here for a reason. We MUST be doing something good in order to have literally thousands of people swarming the the country.
i have a very good friend who works for T-Mobile, and he gets called a rascist every single day by asians / africans (he says theyre the worst for complaining and trying to get something for nothing) , they always say to him "youre not giving me what i want because im asian/ indian/ muslim/african. and he laughs, as 90% of calls are from white people from the uk, that get exactly the same treatment as they do, and also get nothing when they ask for something for nothing hehe. oh, and by the way, he gets called a "filthy jock twat" by angry englishmen(and women) on just about a daily basis also, you rascists hehe.

we all have to live in the uk. we live by our laws, every day, we pay our taxes on just about everything, and sometimes twice on certain things (lol) , asians pay these taxes too, so they get the same say we do, im sure a lot of them pay a lot more taxes than your average uk punter who sits on the social, not wanting to work. but it is GREAT BRITAIN , its a fucking marvellous place to live if you stop and look at it for a while, really take it in and watch what goes on, and ive watched for the last 15 years as its gone from bad, to worse, crimes up, vandalism's up,unemployments through the roof, we're in a credit crunch, at war in a foreign land with an unseen enemy thats killing our boys in the name of a god thats 3000 years old and hasnt moved with the times like the good old bible has! (lol) i hate religion, all of it, i think its scaremongery and nothing more, playing on scared people looking for guidence who arent strong enough to believe in themselves and look to a "higher being" to live their lives by. lot of outdated crap .

p.s if there is a god, sorry mate, i was only kidding and trying to look cool, dont smite me :<
I find your comment quite hard to believe. You're old enough to know what it was like in the '80s (and you come from 'the North'). Did you conveniently forget the miners strike(s) or the Falklands War so you could sound like a Daily Mail reader?
ive also seen the decline and rebirth of shipbuilding on the clyde. ive seen the coal miner strikes and deaths, which no matter what anyone thinks, wasnt glorious. coal is gone from britain, as is steel, oil is on its way out,electronis giants have gone, like ibm, compaq, semi-conductors, the car industry is all but gone unless you like buying a german tvr , and the only thing really left in britain are call centres for banks or mobile phones as real job givers in this country, so , tell me evan, you political genius,as you seem to know more about my political beliefs and theories than i seem to, what part of the daily mirror do you think i read exactly? the cheery part? the comic? i wouldnt even know if there is one, i tend to watch the news on tv for most of my info on whats going on in the world, or the internet, as tabloids, sadly, tend to lie and interpret things slighty wide of the actual truth. i have never, and will never , let anyone make my mind up for me, except me. maybe thats why im set in my ways, and a bit of a cunt to those that dont know me really, but over the past 15 years, ive been very successfull in scotland and britain, and for the forseable future, it looks like its going to stay that way. so yay for the conservatives or labour, who whatever fucking NUGGET of genius they put in parliament next, i really couldnt give a fuck, theyre all just wankers with their own agenda anyway, lets be honest, and politics is exactly that, a load of old shite thats ruins peoples lives by poll. some fat cat in an office , dictating rules and taxes to the lower classes who actually run this country but dont even realise it.
I was more concerned with the fact you thought the current climate was worse than the '80s.

Globalisation means our role in the world has changed. Our economy like any other advanced western country, including Germany, is based on services and finance. Education also has a big role

Being well off means you can afford to ignore politics. But, I assure you the difference between the conservatives of the '80s and early to mid-'90s is stark compared with Labour. I can write a big long list of things that Labour has done for me and my family and I'm only 20 - I've barely lived.
Myths & one off things quickly repelled - picked up by the s*n / m**l & blown outta proportion, add the dreaded 'PC', play on their prejudices 'n you've one riled indignant twat...
agree, if someone wants to you live in our country, you live by our laws. Holland has always been a "open"country (or whatever you wanna call it). In holland 1 out of 16 ppl is muslim. Because 1 out of 16 is muslim we (talkin about holland now) should listen to them, what they want etc. Thats oké, I mean if 1 out of 16 is a farmer we also listen to them. The only problem is our daily politics are talking 80% about muslim problems. FFS what about the other 15 out of 16? For the core of our country only 20% is left...

Np for me if ur black,white,green,yellow,blue,purple,farmer,citizen,tall,small,if you have blue eyes or brown, if your a quite big piece of a population we should listen to your wishes also but keep in mind.. oh wait let me explain this with a discussion we had in holland lately. Some folk said we should make the "sugarparty" ,dont know the english word, after the rammadan (thats a islamitic word if i m right?) a national partyday. As a country based on jewish/christian believes we cant simple accept that. Then you cross the border imo....

listen to their wishes is fine but there are boundaries.
Ignorance breeds hate :O) There's many Christian & Jewish state schools - nowt but thinly veiled xenophobia.
exactly, that's what gets my fucking goat. People moan about religious schools yet never say anything about the huge amount of Christian schools, plus the fact that Cameron thinks it'd be wise to make that number even bigger.

If you are going to rile against having religion in the school system then don't be picky about which religion.

Do it france style and ban any religion symbol from being worn. Stop all religions from being able to create and run schools.

They always start with "I'm not trying to be racist" but what it boils down to is pretty much just racist rants
im not rascist fusen, i hate everyone with a face like yours :D
if only you weren't Scottish then I could probably believe you :O plus my mother said I'm gorgeous so that can't be the reason!
bitch. she told me that as well :(
Any accusation of racism towards someone who abhors the idea of Sharia Law is ludicrous.

I fucking hate the BNP. I loathe patriotism and despise racism

I'm also against all religions so I don't have any special beef with Islam. Well actually I do. It's direct opposition to the emancipation of women for one thing.

They don't piss me off as much as the creationists do, mind you.
Because Christianity treats women better than Islam...
Historically all abrahamic religions aren't really in favour of the emancipation of women.


I would say yes. You would disagree?

I do get pissed off at a lot of the shit "St. Paul" wrote in his letters but that shit isn't exactly enforced anymore.

I'm actually shocked anyone would suggest that Islam has a higher opinion of women than Christianity...

EDIT: Why did you bring up Christianity anyway?

I'm not a Christian. :S
the whole religion thingy is just a big piece of crap anyway if you ask me.
I didn't say Islam has a higher opinion of women than Christianity, they don't, but at least they don't kid themselves like Christians. They believe what they believe and that makes it easy for anyone with common sense to discard them. Christianity has become subversive and much harder to legitimately follow because those who subscribe generally don't practice what they preach.

It's a case of liking socialism but hating the socialists as Orwell would say.

Christianity has been forced to make concessions in just about every way to remain somewhat relative to a liberal Western (European) society. It's government legislation not Christianity which forced change.
QuoteThey believe what they believe and that makes it easy for anyone who with common sense to discard them.

I disagree. It should be easy, but this country has an increasingly sensitive attitude towards those who criticise Islam.

You know why? It's a four letter word.

Fear of hypocrisy or lost revenue, perhaps. But, the people don't fear Islam. In fact, they're already willing to fight against it. I believe the UK would directly oppose religious Islamic states or Islam in general if it were ever beneficial to do so. But, that doesn't look likely, no matter how violent the extremists get.

The West appears to have decided that a war of attrition is the only way to win over religious states (direct invasion in worst case scenarios). We're positioning ourselves so that any "war" or forced intervention will be a just cause. Secular Western society will slowly suck the poison from power.
jesus christ. sorry, the son of god! doesnt sound so good as an expletive. send a boy to a few lectures, let him read a few books,give him a dodgy hairdo, listen to some of that evil "rock music" and looks what he turns into. you, evan. i hope as you get older, your perspective has the ability to change and you go out and see a bit of the world to get some of your own views, not listen to some smart-arse twat telling you what you should be believing....

" Secular Western society will slowly suck the poison from power." and what, the,fuck, does that mean? have you worded this sentence FULL of wisdom slightly incorrectly? or is it, as im leaning towards anyway, you trying to look as if you know what youre talking about, when secretly, you quote others to look less boring?
It means if you think Islam poses any real long term threat to me and you then you're wrong.

Secular Western society is democracy and capitalism served through globalisation. Religion has no place in government and will eventually be removed, even in the extreme Islamic states like Pakistan or Iran.

Which do you think little Muslim Jimmy prefers; playing his PS4 or serving as a solider in a Jihad in 10 years time (and dying before he's 20)? After seeing how Chandler and Monica are like on friends, he decides he doesn't what five slaves, he wants a wife who he can talk and play around with. So he takes his girlfriend to McDonalds and then onto the pictures to watch an American movie.

We don't need to fight or isolate "them". We win by showing how great it's to be British and in a Western society. How accommodating it's. How great and diverse our culture is. We've done it in Asia already. The middle East is nothing.

Why shouldn't mosques be allowed to be built? We've places of worship for just about every religion. We also have faith schools for every religion. There are always going to be isolated communities where people prefer to speak their own language. There's a huge Jewish community in Gateshead. Just like there's huge Muslim communities in Birmingham.

- - -

The irony is of course that we debate and decide not to allow "Islam" (or any immigrant nation/culture) to taint our culture because it's our culture, our language and our country. Turn the clock back even a little and you'll see we were carving up Arab land to give to Jews, or for our own Empire. We were forcing our entire system down their necks.

Then there's "our" culture. You'll find it was the Arab world who preserved the Roman and Greek culture and helped Europe rediscover our past. They're one of the most cultured peoples in history and western media portrays like them they're animals who know nothing.

It's complete hypocrisy. We're beginning to sound like Nazi's in the '30s. Our language is great because we've stolen the best bits from other languages, including Arabic. Our culture is one of the most diverse and accommodating in the world; you can probably go out and find an Indian or Chinese within 10mins if you live in a town (my village at home even has a Chinese). Why not add some Arabic food to the list?

It's just ignorance. The media inciting racial hatred to make it sound like we're under attack or being invaded. 92% of the UK is White. Just remember that.

- - -

Look at BAE Systems (the third largest arms dealer in the world - British), Saudi Arabia is one of if not our biggest customers. The government willingly overlooks huge cases of corruption so the UK economy will profit. It's a bridge for co-operation.
QuoteI'm actually shocked anyone would suggest that Islam has a higher opinion of women than Christianity...

If you read the Bible or the Qu'ran you would be shocked to discover that (at a scripture level!) Islam does actually have a higher opinion of women than the old testament.

It's less Islam but middle-eastern culture which has held women back. Go back a couple of thousand years and Judaism and Islam are probably not too different ;_;
We don't disagree. My error is in generalisation by using the word Islam and Christianity instead of Muslims and Christians, or the majority of. Anyway, regardless of them having their holy books it's all open to that wondrous world of interpretation and there's no definitive view of either.

I already addressed the history of their opinions on women and I agree with you. As for middle-eastern culture holding them back...what exactly is the justification for the subjugation of women in middle eastern culture? By the way, I must underline this overly general "middle eastern culture" you speak of. I would bet that Israel is culturally different from Saudi Arabia for example. :-)
True, it was a very blanket statement, but my main point is that geographic position has more impact than religion these days. If women in the UK/US were treated like they were in the Old Testament then Islamic countries would be mild in comparison :E
move to birmingham...

they banned santa claus and christmas trees in our town centre because "it was an insult to muslim culture"

i dont give a shit i am racist i wouldnt have to think for one second if BNP come to power and i was given the opportunity to kill one of the cunts

i aint fucking bothered with them moving to our country and living by our culture/rules whatever but sorry but its way past that, at least were i live
No they didn't.
it is pretty out of hand.. cant even call them "christmas lights" anymore

they're building an asda near where i live, and there were arguments from the local mosque saying they dont want it building because its too close to their place of worship, they said they can only build the asda if they build the mosque users some special car parking spaces, and asda agreed to it.. they get whatever they want otherwise the race card gets played
this is completely were im coming from... why do they get all this fucking special treatment in our country

its a fucking joke
What the fucks that got to do with the race card? Not knowing the specifics of it - but there's planning disputes all over the country, every day.
So you think it's ok for them to come in and change the rules of our own society? That Muslim girl who changed the rules of her school to wear her jibab on her head? Yet the same situation happened in France and they didn't back down.. we're soft when it comes to asylums.

Another example is stuff like piercings etc, if you wear a piercing because you enjoy it, alot of schools and colleges dissalow it as it's in the rules of the college/school but now if this a blessed symbol of mohammed then it's all cool to wear, don't worry the rules will be bent so they don't get a bad word mentioned on them. Just give 'em a free house or somethin' because they have 97 kids with aids
But 'they' [who might they be?] haven't. Widely speculating here but one would assume they'd followed the standard land dispute...

And yeah 'they're' welcome to change anything 'they' chose, assuming 'they've' the votes for it.

PS asylum seekers & migrants are very different people in very different circumstances
You didn't actually answer anything I said tbh, but whatever I'm not e-arguing with some twat.
You've said nowt but some illegible racist rabble confusing migrants & asylum seekers. Not exactly nuanced in their differences but they’re all funny looking so hey…

Schools offer exemptions to all the religions so I can’t understand the obsession with Islam, other than most have dark skin?
if the similar thing was happening near a church or something instead of a mosque and they said that it's too near, i think that the building of asda would go ahead without any real problems, but because they dont want to offend the muslims they just give in to whatever they want them to do, i mean... it cant be that big of a problem to them if a few car parking spaces changes their decision can it? if asda said to them dont be stupid its our land we'll do what we want, i pretty much guarantee the mosque owners would of called them racist
You should be ashamed of yourself. That is disgusting.
you dont fucking know nothing mate

this doesnt affect your country does it? so maybe keep your opinion to yourself...

give me all the fucking warning points u want as well, like its gona stop what opinions i hold over something happening in my own country and in my own city under 5 miles away from my house
Quotethis doesnt affect your country does it? so maybe keep your opinion to yourself...

What the...?
Sorry got you mistaken with mAx
Its happened in Coventry too. Up untill 2005, we had nativity sets throughout the town centre, the muslims and pakistanis protested against it and now you hardly see a christmas tree neverminds a navity set up in our city.
Unsure as to why you've dragged this up, but I remember the fuss back when 'n he was widely misquoted in the tabloid press at the time.

If you read the linked beeb article

QuoteDr Williams noted that Orthodox Jewish courts already operated, and that the law accommodated the anti-abortion views of some Christians.

"The whole idea that there are perfectly proper ways the law of the land pays respect to custom and community, that's already there," he said.

People may legally devise their own way to settle a dispute in front of an agreed third party as long as both sides agree to the process.

Muslim Sharia courts and the Jewish Beth Din which already exist in the UK come into this category.

The country's main Beth Din at Finchley in north London oversees a wide range of cases including divorce settlements, contractual rows between traders and tenancy disputes.

not exactly outrageous is it?

'n jeez can we create a godwins law for anyone that invokes the dreaded 'PC' for anything & everything?
make column! :o
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