maybe a usefull site?

for anyone downloading a game or thinking of buy a game, but youre unsure if your old bucket of shit pc will play it? here :
did it anywhere in my thread title say :

"brand new website" , " i claim this to be brand new and now im the king of the internet", if i did, or made that claim anywhere and im so old and fucking senile now i forgot what i typed, excuse me. if not , fuck up and fuck off :/
thx 4 the site :*
i love you <3
No, but old doesn't have to mean how long the website has been up. In this case what I meant with it was that the site has been known for a longer period of time. People on this site usually say "old" when it's somewhat known. Anyways I have to admit I only said it because I thought Jizz was gonna start a chain and I didn't wanna break it. Shame he edited tho :P

btw it's all good :P
really old
you can suck my left plum n'all twatoid :/
it told me that i cannot run et:qw..
and i played beta with 30fps!
it lies
wow, thanks
He thanks!
Nice Site , thx x)
thanks, i guess i'm one of the few ignorant non-hardcore gamers :(
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