What's your favourite...

chocolate bar?

seeing as its 2am, im not tired, im hungry and i cant sleep on an empty stomach, i went to get my favourite chocolate bar.

image: lion1

lion bar!

It's small, but it's the shit!
never seen them, what're they like?
Pic shows exactly what they're like. They're small and its only chocolate nothing fancy in it. But god fucking dammit the chocolate is sooooo good. They're about a finger long only.
frozen snickers ice cream bar*
thats not a chocolate bar :(
Coffee Crisp by FAR
lion is good.
ok I cheat
image: monikuteee_raffaello
all i can get! mars delight!
kitkat / kismet
Lion. I love you noodle.
image: lindor_lindt_truffles

That's my favourite. But, you can't eat it all the time. I also like Kitkat Chunkys, Minstrels, Lion Bars and Skittles.
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