New Mouseee

Well i bought my mx518 in January this year, and it fucked up in June or something with that wire problem (where the mouse disconnects and you hear the USB sound). Well for the past 4 months or so i've been playing with my mouse wire taped to the side of the mouse so it stays on :P

anyway, i'm going to order a new mouse this week, and someone told me to buy the g9. Was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this mouse and if it's worth getting..

Feel free to reccomend other good mice too though.

I'm on my second mx518 now, mx518 > all.
How long did your first mx518 last? I'm really skeptical if that wire problem will happen again ;/
hmm 3/4 years
If you like the MX518 (my first 1 lasted for 1 year (mouse1 malfunction), second one 2.5years++ and still going strong), stay with it. There's no reason to change mice I think (unless you'd get a deathadder or an mx500@1000hz I guess)
Well i've not really had much experience with "higher quality" mice, before my mx518 i had Logitech® LX5 which was pretty basic. I can't really say if i like the mx518 or not if i've not tried the other mice. Sure it's a good mouse but i've nothing to compare it to..

I guess i'm swaying between the g9 and mx518
g9 sucks,i had it 1week and i went back and changed it on razer dA.
Sean, u should stick with optical.
I love the MX518, the only other mouse I have tried that came close was the Deathadder.
My MX is 2 years old with no problems at all, I sold the Lachesis I tried and bought a spare 518 with the proceeds.

Not tried the G9....looks gimmicky though.
da mx518
G9 sux imo, best mouse i've played with is Razer Deathadder / MX518.
i've heared that G5 is ok too, but i dont like lazer mice :<
image: 51480-mousescore07
Get deathadder
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