Which country do you hate the most?
8 Oct 2008, 08:32
This a serious question. which country to you hate the most and why? Not only for ET reasons, but for everything.
The obhious one is Poland but it is not in my list.......
England (obhious reasons)
France(personal reasons)
This may seems like a retarded topic, but /care im bored.
Hai to Rhand,stkz,tyrant,Infi,Wardy,louthy
The obhious one is Poland but it is not in my list.......
England (obhious reasons)
France(personal reasons)
This may seems like a retarded topic, but /care im bored.
Hai to Rhand,stkz,tyrant,Infi,Wardy,louthy
2. US
3. Holland
1. France
2. Turkey
3. England
i like:
1. Poland
2. Hungary
3. Spain
- unfriendly
- driving on the left side
- shitty wheather
- everything is so fuckin old in england, i doesnt feel comfortable there
- you are the slave of america
- .......
indeed =DD
- unfriendly
- driving on the left side
- shitty wheather
- everything is so fuckin old in england, i doesnt feel comfortable there
- you are the slave of america
You're criticising stereotypes. Some pretty ridiculous stereotypes as well.
I've "experience" of Newcastle, Manchester, Crewe and Durham. I travel through Leeds quite often. I've been to London like three or four times and the last was a week or two ago. I've visited/travelled through other cities like York, Birmingham, Sunderland and Middlesbrough as well.
btw. i dont like germany that much either (nearly the same reasons as for england).
the figures for kids isn't exactly far off either.
He could have a point about being a fat nation :P
they all have the "i think im right, therefore i am right" attitude. england once had a mighty empire across the world, and now after being found out for basically being a bunch of thieving,raping,murdering scum, they have england and thats about it, oh mibbe australia, but then again, thats full of english convicts isnt it? the odd silly little pacific island that for some reason still loves the queen, but in general, they turn to football now to play out the whole "weer much betta than yowww" chavness they have had for many years, and most do it from an armchair, cos well, its too wet and they get flooded all the time to go outside,oh, and theyre ALL fat. all of them, every single one.
"its too wet and they get flooded all the time to go outside,oh, and theyre ALL fat" wow yeah that sentence can't be used to describe Scotland at all.
for your information, i deal with english people every single day, leading to no uncertain terms the way i feel about them.also, its bred into us scots to have an inherant hatred for those evil english twats. im not saying theyre all bad, just 99.99% of them. arrogance and generally them just being a very egotistical nation due to their history FROM HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO, saying history not affecting present day is just rather small minded if you ask me....
what country are you from?
Isn't believing in stereotypes fun?
Pity it's "bred in to you." Indicates a lot when you're unable to decide for yourself :)
P.S. William Wallace was a fairy.
i own 11 kilts, eat haggis regularly and absolutely love a good single malt. hell i even go to highland games 2 or 3 times a year. i love my countries heritage and if you want to call that a stereotype, then fuck yeah, im in!!!! THANKS!!!! hardly any gingers though sadly, theyre mostly irish if you look into it a bit further:)
anything else? :)
we got a new national anthem i hear as well....
There's a difference between being a proud Scot and using any excuse to scream "I DUNNAE KNOO ABOUT YUU, BUT AHH HATE THE ENGLISH!"
That arguement is ridiculous. So on that basis then half of Africa should hate France, Spain would hate North Africa, most of Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East would hate Italy and don't get me started on America. Oh and is it ok for black people to hate Scottish people for their role in the slave trade which financed the scottish industrial revolution?
If every nation or people who were ever colonised or persecuted spent their days hating people from the oppressive nations then no one would ever speak to anyone. Its sad when a nation is brought up to hate another nation solely on the belief that it must.
I actually count myself as British. Being born in England, have a lot of close family being Welsh (also lived there for my early years), my whole dads side is Irish, but the only link with Scotland is my second name which is Wallace.
But what does that matter? I still believe that what people need to understand is that they should hate a government or ruling power, not the people ruled by that power. And once that power source is removed there is little point in blaming the citizens of that country hundreds and hundreds of years later.
I have no problem with you hating the English for reasons that aren't based on events 100's of years ago. And yes history is important but if you use it to validate your hatred then you're not learning from history you're just repeating it.
Please vote for independance so I don't have to pay taxes towards your children's mcdonalds, fatty.
1.The fact that Des lynam talks about fucking England so much when there note even playing.
2.The fact that you never shut up about winning the World cup,even it was 40+ years ago.
3.So many reason involving our history
4.Your cockiness,(oi oi have ittt!!! etc etc)
5. Chavs
6.Youre too good for the Euro.
7.Margaret Thatcher
8. Houligans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntc0kgshzYk
9. Your hate for the Irish( allot of people not all ofc)
10. To proud for your own good
3. Are you actually British? Britain has done as much good as bad in the world. We just happened to be the best during the "worst" periods. Nearly every big country in Europe practised Imperialism for example.
4 and 10 are kinda hard to prove or dispute to be honest.
5. Every country has its version of the charv.
6. We would probably lose money by converting to the euro. And, we've no reason to. That's usually the only reason for change. Why give up part of our national identity for no reason?
7. Agree.
9. I don't think anyone in the UK hates the Irish apart from the "Irish" themselves.
some english guys are brand new and all and good guys , but england as a country and its government are cunts .
There's a really interesting travel essay written by A.A. Gill who writes about what it means to be Scottish. I haven't got the books with me, though I'll cut and paste some quotes from an interview he did with the Scotsman - http://living.scotsman.com/features/Dont-judge-an-author-by.2321227.jp .
He is, however, the first to admit that no amount of kilt wearing (he’s posed in various tartan skirts) or his children being called Alasdair and Flora can make him fit the Scottish mould of manhood.
But then, he says, no one really knows what it means to be Scottish. It’s his opinion the sole qualification is not being English.
"It’s one of the really interesting things about the nationalist debate," he says. "There are more people living in the world called Macdonald than there are people living in Scotland.
"Most of what being Scottish is defined by is not being English. That’s often the chip of the smaller sibling.
"Because I sound like I’m English and live in England I am defined by the thing that you would not be if you are Scots.
"It’s the saddest thing about my country, defining itself by what it is not," he sighs, before adding that nevertheless he might be tempted to move back one day, in spite of all its insecurities.
"If Scotland became an independent country, and they were handing out passports, I would be the first in the queue. It’s the only place that can make me cry just by thinking about it."
i could live in any country in the world i chose to , yet i still live in scotland. might sound mental, but i have travelled the world, more than once, and ill always stay in scotland, its my home. its an amazing place, not just the scenery, but the people as well. and no middle class dude, quoting rubbish about the country i love will ever change my opinion. im sorry :<
My mothers brother lives in Galashields and has kids born and raised in Scotland, his wife is Scottish as well. My Dads brother and sister both live in Scotland as well.
Mothers side - Armstrong
Fathers side - Baxter
I think I'm fortunate because I get the best of both cultures living on the border as well as our own little culture. Perhaps it makes me a little more unaware of the differences, I don't know.
[lifestoryover] !
+ fat girls think they are sexy
- The pound is older and better than most currencies. It gives us an advantage so why should we change? We're not the only country in Europe who doesn't use it.
- I don't drive so I can comment.
- LOL. I can't say anything about that.
ATLEAST say you are strangers lol
1. Poland
2. Poland
3. Poland
immigrants? what they have changed? Have they taken jobs away or money?
your reasons are pointless.
2. Belgium
3. USA / Russia (since they are bouth the same;) but they don't admit it)
Slovenia (arrogant pricks along with most of the croatian people)
you got such a nose aswell?^^
irl - russia
China (fucking money ballon)
Switzerland (mr. independence )
Germany (We lost the WW's but still we are rich..)
And myabe NL (come on everything legal there..)
just blame the mountains :)
2. USA
3. India
germany for shit government
all countries who "unterdrücken" (no time to google) women, childs etc
all countries who have more sun than me ;(
1 albanians (tru gangstas, also because a good friend of mine almost got his entire ear cut off when he got mugged by 2 of them in the dark, now its 1/4 of his ear hanging...)
2 russians (same as albanians, even though my best friend is russian)
3 greeks (all wannabies, its making me sad)
on the internets
1 belgians
2 dutch
3 germans
2. Iran (for just being total idiots)
3. Israel (for being even bigger idiots)
4. USA (it's not the country I hate, but it's sadfully full of americans)
5. Holland (yes, I hate my own country cuz it's a sad sight (what nature?) full of bureaucratic morons.
6. Germany (sorry man, I just can't stand your language. It sounds so fucking horrible)
7. Any african country (does it need a clarification?)
8. Russia for being sneaky fuckers
9. China for obvious reasons
10. Pakistan and India + North & South korea for being little kids that still mock in each corner about who gets the candy.
Ah well, basically every country in the world has something bad to mention about it.
the laws are too strict on some areas, true.
cannabis illegal - sucks aswell.
Racist? obviously.
I mean you hate the whole world!
2. czech
3. czech
Nah, if anywhere, it'd have to be yugoslavia.
2. Germany
3. Austria
Germany (we r idiots but we r rich)
USA (same us Germany)
2004 germany paid 7.1 billions EUR for the European Union. Such idiots :<
2. Greece
3. America
an old school book had picture where a guy was using a needle on himself and the text said "even one cannabis shot can kill you" :D
2: China
3. China
2. Russia / Estonia
3. Germany
in czech/slovakia there are rly rly rly much gypsys, they steal, dont work just live from money from our goverment...
i hate them!
2. USA - becouse they think theyre the best, and acctualy they are most retarded, all
that stuff like american dream, hollywood stars and stuff...
3. Germany - again, almost 10 years of occupation, they killed many czech people and stuff + i remember from the times we were going to italy with my family when i was small, they was so fucking annoying with their screaming and i rly hate germany as language..
And as somebody wrote here i hate Gypsys... its not a country but anyway :]
there are rly big problems with that retards.. they suck money from our goverment, so again, life of every single czech would be better without them
2. France
3. umm no idea
cuz they hate jews :< :D
racists cunts
well its poland
simply idiotic
2. Arrogant pricks.
3. & Just an idiots.
for being poland
retarted language
idd my reasons are weak but i dont care.
2 america
3 holland
2. russia: russians=> new interpretation of 'chavs', arrogant and everytime I see some of them on holiday they disgust me
3. england: same as usa about media alltho a bit less (tabloid shit etc...), arrogant, think they are better then europe or don't 'include' themselves into europe only when it benefits them,chavs,...
oh. nevermind....
but then again, you, like most of tthe other crossfire users tend to use flags from other countries as theyre too ashamed to say where theyre really from :)
edit: changedit from uk=>england
It's just an excuse for ignorant cunts to post crap that they have very little knowledge about.
2. Any country than sends 50million immigrants to britain
3. Ireland / Scotland i think there just jelous of the english :D:D
2. england
3. england