Stocks ... ouch!


I want my moneh back!

Any other victims of this cruel financial world in here? :(
At least I got some WOW gold in my bank!
The Danish C20 index is down -8.51 atm.
nänänänänä :O)
im a victim, lost many €'s
yeye...1929 we are back again!

but with no hitler
THe czech PX index had yeasterday biggest daily fall, about 9%...
sigh, get a better investment team working your money. SIGH.

although, avoid platinum. its gonna be worth less than tin at the rate its going lol :P
gold is sky rocketing in price (as it always does in a recession) so not really a good time for investment lol.

plus gordon brown, the genius that he is, sold half of the uk's bullion reserve to china about 2 years ago :|
i bought a substantial ammount 9 years ago mate and have been adding to it ever since as its steadily risen. up yours gordon lol ;)
Quoteavoid platinum

30% of all plantinum goes to the auto industry, 40% to jewelry. It should go up in the near future again :P
I dunno, if i've just lost loads of money in stock or had my overtime cut at work my top priority isn't to go out and buy a new piece of jewelery :P
no car either?
depends on ones mentality really :P If your working class then you'd look at rising fuel costs and maybe take public transport oppose to the car. Or if you were upper class and more well off you'd look at incentives and deals that car dealers were doing to promote their sales and think thats its a good time to buy a car.

I did read somewhere that there was fields and fields of cars built by toyota which still hadn't been sold so that could lead to production being cut also. But then again more and more people are driving in china and india so who knows how car production will react :P

Bit of a long winded reply for a simple - "I don't know" :D
true. but, where does the missing 30% go then? :P your house made of platinum is it overdrive? :P
Platinum is really rare. If it wasn't for recycling, there wouldn't be any natural ressources left. It is used in catalysts and will be used in fuel cells (PEM).
Safe bet I guess.
Nokia -4,59%

Greece is one of the few countries (maybe only i dunno) which was affected positively by the whole global financial crisis :D. PIREOS BANK + 10%!!!!!!

btw i dont have stocks, but my dad does and he came in his pants when he saw it :)
guaranteed capital bonds!
Haven't even checked lately. But I'm sure the funds I've invested in are plummeting down with the rest of the economy. Bibuy mah moneys. :|
I've lost about 25% last months :<.
ah relax, it's just the beginning:)
didnt learn anything from L&H ?

well, i'd keep stocks like fortis, their stocks are worth less then 5 euro's atm but its bound to go up in the long term. Prolly gonna take another three years for things to settle down :'(

btw: Petercam > banks selling stocks and funds. Not just in terms of stablity and profit, but also for a lot of other reasons such as being able to swap to other funds without the % costs banks take etc. Rly, never buy stocks or funds at a bank :/
wtb wow gold
Since I need my money for studying I have it invested into an open property fund. Does ~5% p.a. and it won't/shouldn't be affected by all this crap. (it isn't so far)
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