lolz snuff is back

after few months break I gots some Red Bull and it's fucking awesome, just had to make that journal :P

do you has that in your country?

image: 721830
Is it like the Swedish "Snus",

Or do u sniff it?
nenänuuskaa toi o. nosesnus :D
Lots of people seem to like that stuff here.

It's fucking disgusting.
becouse of this, you made hated countries journal dissapear!
fuck you :P
Is it the stuff you put underneath your upperlip ? ;o
that is snus. but that is what you sniff like cocaine :D
why does poeple sniff cows pee+shit in their nose? isn't it enough to roll it in your mouth
i have no clue. so don't ask me :d
:D lol :D

:D lol :D

:D lol :D
Chief Quality made me lol :D
snus better imo
i've never seen something like that in germany :O
Gawith is better
red bull, i like it, i realy like it, i LIKE IT
just did some :)
red bull ofc !
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