Ideas Ideas Ideas......

rly need some of them. My big sisters boyfriend who's a good friend of me and my brother has birthday in 2days and I have no idea what present would be fitting. To give u some hints: he's becoming 23, he's a gamer (but he has like all the equip in the world) and he likes to chill and drink beer (sounds stupid but thats what he does when he isnt working :P)
PS: budget 30-40 €

random pic:
to boring :P
my father's bday is in one day and I also have to buy sth for a friend, so I would like to hear some ideas as well :p
a little beer fridge :X
he lives in a 2 room flat with my sister and at the right of his pc there is alrdy a fridge full of beer
If you have any skills in arts, booze bottles with custom labels have always been appreciated. For example, I made a nifty Russian-styled "Jet Fuel" label for a pilot, who flew passenger planes to Russia as his day job. Your imagination is the limit. :)
the last thing I am gifted with is skills in art :D
buy him 40 euros of beer? :D

perhaps "special" beer like desperados or something like that
In bavaria you go to jail for calling desperados a beer ;), but yeah it's a possibility
Take a bucket or something similar, freeze one layer water, put some money on it, freeze another layer on that, put money on it, and so on. When you're half done put a rope in it, so you can hang it on a tree or other things. Go on with the layers until you have enough money in there.

Now bring the ice cube to the party and hang it up on something. It will melt slowly and release the money over the time.
Hm I'll consider that one, would be funny as hell
You can also put in some small liquor bottles, sweets or other random stuff.
its actually pretty cool :D
must try it!
oh this is a nice idea!
id rather put it in glass and watch him smash it
is she hot? ;)
not gonna give u a pic xD
buy him a new woman..
write a poem (or google) with some currencies of beer and when u read it out someone gives the man the beers...
wtf pic

image: humilityis5
image: w600

buy him some beer glasses !!
some hard liqour
Couple of bottles of absinthe so they think they're gonna get hallucinations and the rest you spend on Ganja?

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