pnkbstrb.exe gayness

image: b2sh755a4f34r5egf


awesome piece of software
it is because you are a magget
i need 1000hits by sunday :(

spread the word!
i can donate 500 of my hits to you.
refresh my profile untill i have 350hits and i'll add a pair of (fully naked) boobs!

np i know i'm too kind
Hits 259

went one time on ur profil

( .)(. ) <33
350 Hits and a gif, gogo!
oke gif plx
Refresh my until 600 hits and I'll send you my pussy
450 is another one
oke now TITS!
I'm in need of 1200 hits :(
deadline sunday @ 8 pm (CET)
oh yeah ignore it, im sure it will go away
Weird that I don't have that problem !
don't you know,about the bird?
Sure, Everybody knows that the bird is the word !
Actually, recent gallup polls show that one in twelve americans are unaware that the bird is the word. I for one dream of an america where everybody knows that the bird is the word!
same here
9 on Richter's magnitude!
i bet lio doesnt suffer from this :)

obvious malware is obvious
On vista its kinda normal i guess.. also got around 90 processes running atm on vista.

i got 29 :D
Nice example, but like it matters on a quad core CPU!
true, but think about those without multiple cores ;_; (until recently I was one of them)
think about ppl with less than 500MB RAM, like me :(
Yes, like me! I'm in the stone ages here with an Athlon 3000+. ;(

New 'country' feature in profile too, just noticed.
yeah and a hit counter :)
I'm not that slow!! Hit counter's been around for a while now. :D
i just upgraded from an Athlon3000 :)
huh, when i took that screenshot i had et, vent, putty, firefox, foobar, utorrent, and scite open, plus there is still useless stuff like the razer taskbar icon running
Looks like you just grabbed the window and dragged it frantically round your desktop.
it's pnkbstrb.exe
You want a solution or just want to complain?
it never lags on my pc :P
hi bullie !
hi aLexL m8 :)
what are u doing thiz late!?
logging off night night ;)
got 40 on vista with a chatprogramm and IE opened
Uninstall et problem solved
He does EVERYTHING different from you, and he makes sure you know it. You use Windows, he uses UBUNTO GENTOO BLACKBOX <INSERT LOADS OF DIFFERENT NAMES HERE> You use MSN, he uses some random program that most likely does the exact same thing. You use mirc, or some other common program, he uses something no-one has ever heard of - Because he is Meez. Seriously, what else do you need in a chat program that mirc or xchat or something doesn't have? Meez uses every oppertunity he gets to mention that he plays quake, or some form of it, but make sure you don't call Quake Wars, QW, or he'll give you one of his 4 paragraph rants about how QW = Quake World. Meez is apparently old school, and anything that comes out after 2003 is just shit because it is too newschool for him. I once saw Meez post that he thinks there won't be any good games released in the next 5 years. Remember who told you that. Remember. Meez most likely thinks he's a hardcore asian RTS pro. He knows every game he has played better than anyone.. ANYONE. He's been sporting the Korean flag for a good couple of months now, and that, indeed , makes him a genuine asian. Although, Warcraft 3 isn't a real RTS according to him he still enjoys making comments about playing Starcraft.. and only starcraft. He likes to play random asian golf games, just because they are asian. You can say Ni Hao to him in
why do you think about people in crossfire? :/
care, i made a RAMDISK, copied ET there and have almost no lags like in 2004 woohoo :P
interesting, should journal/tutorial it if it really works
well that's for those who have 2+ gb of ram, though i have 2 ;p
-delete all trash from ET folder, so it's < 500mb
-download ramdisk plus:
-Create a new Ramdisk (ET folder size + 100-150mb for demos and shit, mine is 700mb, you may also use disk compression in settings there), copy ET there and voila

-NO lag when PB scans your ET folder
-maps load like in a second or two, no lag when loading textures and shit while playing
-THIS PROGRAM CAN SEE & USE MEMORY WHICH IS NOT USED BY 32-BIT WINDOWS WHICH CAN SEE ~3.3GB max (you can have those 700+mb left for ET's ramdisk if you have 4GB and you wont notice any perfomance change) though i havent used this feature since ive got only 2gb :{
-saves the ramdisk to the harddrive when rebooting/shutting down/when you want, you also may load/unload it when you want, so you have more ram for some new game for example (if you have 2gb for example and dont use the previous listed feature)

-you may lose all the info (pc crashes and shit), so copy all your offi demos and stuff to the HDD right after the game, also i advice you to make an image (with the help of ramdisk plus) of your "ideal" ET ramdisk folder so you always can restore all the info

dont also forget that it changes ETPRO GUID

well if that helps you, it would be awesome if you make a tutorial coz im too lazy

oh shit now everyone knows my secretz and will own like i do :<
This actually sounds pretty smart. Should've thought about it back in the day. :)
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