fifa09 woou

did u played it?the new mouse control is damn amazing for movement and driblings,and if u combine it with keyboard controls its evan better.
It will be much better in multiplayer,because the teams will react faster+good players now will do the difference fo sho.
I think this is an important step forward for fifa.

got fifa99 nP.
im playing it and
its great!
ye its cool
its abit annoying that players gets tired too fast on games etc and need to have loads players compare to 08
wtf? u can buy it??
nope i downloaded it :O
60% at download atm.. cba to run vuze while browsing the internetz -_-'
the new mouse thing pwns asses.

each year they try to copy pes more and more , and always fail miserably

fifa sucks
have you ever tried the new one?
dude , if you haven't seen my 2000 journals about fifa09 ur not supposed to be here

i've played all in all 30 matches of 10 minutes ( since 20% of my friends still likes fifa over pes , and i still have to kick their asses in every game )

it sucks .
pes sucks even more
PC version is completely different from that of 360, quite disappointed.
how can i play with the mouse? what do i do?
when you select the sides before the match u can swap to mouse control
ye i saw but when i first opened fifa09 it said i can show me some tutorial how to play it
how i find it?
In the menu. I dont know exactly because i have hungarian fifa.
it sux :O
fifa 09 sucks, PES is way better
u are wrong.
I heard it sucks.
hey bl1nd.inactive lately?
I wanted to take a brake from crossfire and shizzle :(, + I just came back from 10 days vacation in the dead sea, was awesome.
yea,be moderate.glad 2 see u tho :D
If that is the newest PES - I am not an expert - but the common consensus is that PES is steadily falling behind. This was the first release to be a decent PES for next-gen. They simply don't have the skill to code for next-gen systems, so it seems.

FIFA has improved vastly, neck to neck almost nowdays.
played it

3rd place with my club in the online ranking woot (ps3)
played it

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