Your biggest fear

So I was laying in my bed last night (couldnt sleep) and I was thinking about what scares me the most. At first I thought of spiders/ghosts/randomhorrorshit but then I thought about my own life and what I want to make of it. I came to the conclusion that I do not fear a "scary" thing such as snakes/othershit, but that I fear not living up to my own expectations. We all do think we're great and special individuals but truth is only a very few of us actually will make a difference in this world, the rest will just live their lives and be forgotten by the mass. It scares me that in 60 years time (if I still live) I will look back at my life and come to the conclusion I have not made of it what I wanted it to be. I didn't make a difference in people's life and I will forgotten as soon as possible.

So ye, whats your biggest fear?

ps; boooooreed ;(

im just scared of evil clowns :-(
thats just a random pedofile
well those are scary too
scared of having no direction as i just wouldn't know what to do all day so keep delaying, eg uni, hopefully by then I'll have figured it out
I thought of that as well :P, I hate not having a goal in my life. Like some people know what they want and they do whatever they need to get there, but I didnt for quite some while! Tbh although its a sad goal, trying to be best at some game is better goal than no goal at all.
i dont even have that, i just play because then there is a couple of hours on an evening when im not bored
Nor do I, but I just meant there are people who have it and I used to envy those because they seem to get much more out of a single game than I did out of the rest of my life.
I'm scared of shemales tbh
Didn't look like a shemale but scared me aswell!
how often she says "JA" in the first video
her music is scary
You're obsessed with that manshe!
when i don't have weed :[
Not living up to your expectations means fuckshit compared to facing a giant squid under water. =/

image: 050928_giant_squid_02
i'd literally shit bricks if i'd see that under water :DDD
lol? how? xD
selfkill button
I have a very high IQ, I can command my brain to blow itself up.
Take a really deep breath? :-)
even small ones look scary under water
Yup, multiply size by 20 and add some scary music!
image: pokemon-main_Full
scary as hell!
scared of moving stairs. i always think when im on it that i will fall down.. dunno why..
if the stairs are moving upwards, it'll be an endless fall :P
try fighting that with holding no rails while going down up :D I used to feel funny while moving
but now I got used to it .
hey tox :D hows u? :DDd <3
well i do this too but im rly unsure if im on it.. rly strange tbh.
im fine thanks :P

watch others and see how few of them actually don't hold rails (rail as a barrier,something to hold)
Old ppl scare the crap out of me!

image: 78289484hx8

image: hillaryclintonqz3
I can't tell :) apart from that

NUCLEAR ATTACK or FALLING COMET anything that would destroy our lives and beautiful
So you're scared of death?
sort of .. more of apocalypse . Natural death is something more connected only with you.World stays the same.
Why would you care about the world if you're death? Why would you fear death? It's inevitable. The thing I'd be scared of is that there are still things left to do, but you can't because you died.
only if I died instantly ... what If I survied and watched world dying : /
You'd die in the end too :P still scared of death imo.
If he would be scared of death, he wouldn't go out on the street and avoid anything that looks dangerous, I doubts he does that :P
Theres being scared of death and being scared of death. I mean I'm scared of dying too, aren't we all? God I'm not ready to die just yet! But why am I scared of dying? Because I still want to do shit loads of things before I die. I'm not scared of death itself, but I"m scared of not being able to do the things I still do. If I turn 40 and I've done everything I want and I've lived life to its max I'm ready to die and not scared of dying. What I think he's scared of (and most others) is the unknown passage you make when you die and what will follow after you died here on earth.

I can't express what I'm trying to say as well as I want to.
Cupper understands, so it's all fine.
I heard cupper understands so it'll be alright
I'm not afraid of dying. I'd just be very unsatisfied if I died right now without experiencing all the great people I'm going to meet and other things I'm going to see and do.
That's what I'm saying. You're not afraid of death as in you're afraid of death itself but afraid of what you'd miss out on when you'd die.
What are you missing out on if you're dead? :D
If you always wanted to go bungee jumping but didn't have to the time to and you die before you got the chance to do it, you miss out on that (just a random example!).
"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."

"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."

"I never said I was frightened of dying."
that's being scared to death of death tbh ;d
that was so fucking green.
my biggest fear = AIDS
my mates fear : SWALLOWING PILLS ,they just don't go through ... he has to crush them
got the same problem, always need liquid if I need a medicine
Im also usng liqiud. Funny thing that the first pill I had to swallow after he told me his fear Didn't want to go through :D next one was ok. looks like it's mind controlled.
thats just scary ^^
that muslims will take-over west europe
aint gonna happen
in 20 years i want to see you saying that again
i wouldnt be that sure
That would be "biggest fear that seems to come true"
to be held captive and tortured by some psychopath...and these huge spiders with hairy legs really freak me out.


why do you want to be remembered so bad btw? or why do you want to make a difference?

Let's assume you spent your entire life trying to be special and maybe, in the end, succeeding even.
What for?
You won't be there to enjoy it afterwards (at least not for long).
Don't you think you 'd be better off enjoying what's already there and live a happy life for the time being - here and now - rather than maybe enjoying your achievements when you 've grown old and diseased?
Considering I want to be a doctor, I'm hoping to be a doctor people remember for giving that extra attention/effort and maybe even heal more people than the average doctor. I work as a nurse part time and I love doing that one extra step that people deserve/want.
yeah i guess in that case my point isn't really appropriate here, as you 'll receive the credit you deserve right away...still there 's the risk of missing out on life due to too much 'work' (in your case for your patients). I hope you won't make that mistake... for your own sake n stuff!
That Michael Jacksson becomes President of USA
like Bush is that much better
He will soon be replaced so...
yea, probably by this old McCain guy who will fuck up the world aswell xD
a nigger as president :X
got to agree with you
I'm most afraid of losing my loved ones, or anything really bad happening to them.
Sarah Palin becoming vice-president scares the shit out of me.
Scared of sol that he might ban me again. Can't sleep anymore :(
turks overtaking germany
totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!
- dein HC strache
nice one julian xDDDD
Yeah same thing here, I'm scared of ending up with a 9 to 5 job :(
Scared of being crippled
i watched too much movies with fucking big wolfman or how to call... i was too young for them, but still watched... so i fear only from full moon
i aint afraid of nothin'!!!!!!!
image: dollka8

they scare me to death!
i am scared of dying :S
Journals about butchji's bum-hair. :(
is full with love ;(
still sad? ;DDDdd
Fucking spiders in my cellar :D
Fuck them in the bedroom then.
I´m scared about Estonia - Spain tomorrow. 0 - 23
My only fear is probably being old and incapable of living on my own. I don't want to be an old vegetable in some old people's home. That's why I want to join some sort of euthanasia project asap.
just try to enjoy the steps u make in your life
thats the most important thing least for me... i dont wanna look back on achievements which are maybe reminded by some others but didnt make me enjoy my life...

what i also fear is, that we compare ourselves too much...this hurts too often..cause ull ever compare with smth above...think about it, does it make u feel better? hell no...

and always ask yourself: did this step make me happier? -.-
"and always ask yourself: did this step make me happier? -.- "

that's probably hard to judge right after you made a step, but you 're right.
eventho you can't undo what you did, thinking about it might help to prevent you from slowly drifting away from your goal(s) - happiness and from doing the same mistakes (you 'll most likely notice you made a mistake at some point of your life :D) again.
losing hair *cry*
fucking true...thats real 26 and my father lost his hair @ the age of 25... im still living in fear!!!!
im scared of losing my hair when i turn 20 ( it happened to witje =[ )
Driving exam

I every single time ;(
I wouldn't quite say i'm afraid of it, but i know that losing the people i love is what would upset me most.
image: 3936.106bcwormadult

hate the cunts
image: bremse

these are even worse
but I can't say I fear them... it's more like being at war with those bastards
You hate all lepidoptera, or just moths? ;)
afraid of peoples ?
I fear wars and people who judge people only by look
still wanna travel with me? u saw i was busy with searching spots for us ;)
To do every day the same thing, I'am afraid that I will just stand up to go to work, see my family and go to bed again.
Dogs are my worst fear. Hate the cunts.
'Don't worry. He only wants to play!'

Had some huge german shepherd charging towards me when i was like 4 or 5, to me it seemed more like he wanted to kill me back then :D
I was really really terrified :<
i wouldn't like to be in some of the saw type situations
losing my pc
Ok i will open my soul for a moment..
My biggest fear is that i wouldnt be able to help to somebody who is really close to me...
my biggest fear? working for the rest of my life.
You'll be remembered by those around you, those that love you - forget the superficial aspirations of greatness from the irrelevants :O)

Jeez nobodies being that honest... wasps & women, but one confronts ones fear
i must agree with you.
Indeed, people in 70's dress annoy me too ...
Fear? I think the only thing I fear is failure, which can be included in everything :{
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