Which game made you rage the most?

As I was just raging like a mad cow and about to kill my monitor I ask thee, Crossfire, which game made you rage the most?

Was it a shooter, a fighting game, a racing game, whatever?

For me it's definitely albatross18 (golf game). And any golf game for that matter. I can't imagine myself being any more angry about a game than I get when I play one of those games. Fuck.

Even my rage in ET is calm compared to that kind of rage. Seriously @_@
I think some GTA game which just has some god awful mission which take 30 minutes and then you fail at the last part

That sniping level in COD 4 fucking pissed me off too, geez that was a bitch
Oh yeah I played that CoD4 sniping map as well. Holy shit tears of rage came flooding down (figurally speaking!)
That mission was sooooooo full of win. I just love such challenges :D
Start your brain, then it's not so hard
That was one of the best missions ever :O
it was epic yeah, but very hard
the mission where you were running from the enemies and afterwards had to turn around and run towards them on that wheat field was much worse!
That's the same mission
diablo 2 on my ufcking low pc

like when i was so happy about finally getting a rush.. and bämm pc down

or some randome put trade window full with sojs.. and accept trade.. and bäääm bb FUCKING SHIT PC !

and then i played hc.. oh man plz ... this fucking shit pc -.-

yeye :D i think i killed 1 or 2 keyboards :o
uhh.. family guy on PSP

and ET on laggy cybergames

oh, and dota when im owning and still losing cause of lotto / shitteam
Family guy on PSP, thats a piss take :D expecially in that fucking lazer room with stewie :D
yeah that shit pissed me off so much, i couldnt fucking get past the end of the levels and the camera angle was so fucking gay
any beatemup game against equally skilled friends
hehe wont happened to me, im pro in Tekken3 :)
Always when playing ET I am like the well known german kid!

:D:D:DDDDDDD you sure are!!!!
counterstrike 1.6 LAN version on school with those retards in the classroom
Used in ET, but nowdays I am calm with comp games. Only becaming angry in hockey&floorball
ET only!
obviously Football Manager/Championship Manager series, when you are leading with 2-0 or so and in the last 5 minutes they get their first chanches of the whole game and they score 3 times :D
muonline official servers, its so fucking slow and if you die you lose like 1/3 of your exp everytime, cause your depending on others to lvl up
fucking ET of course
I noticed that :)
but I'm a nice guy !
maybe :) only a bit frustrated from time to time :p
xd! nubske!
getting the nadeo medals in TrackMania Forever. it was pure pain.
Lol :D The endurance one at the end LOL :DDDDDDDDD
Im most calm playing a Golf game :D and playing it in RL :D

But, the one that does annoy me, GTA!! Fucking controls are awful!
...frogger, fkin logs moved out the way.
Omgoawd, its mashed!!!!
ET, when i play vs some unhits/reatrds
there used to be this game but I cant remember the fucking name of it and it really pisses me of

it was kinda like worms but a free game and u wud be like on a volcano or smthn and have to shoot at other players over the map

anyway i could never get the hang of it and it really wud make me rage @ vent :DDDd
na it wasnt a war with worms
Scorched Earth? I loved that game, I always managed to blow myself up somehow.

i fucking love you
just got an air hockey table in my uni house and it just made my rage pretty hard :P
icy tower
if an equipment does work the way it should be,then stuff starts to fly around the area and i throw that piece of shit down from a balcony.
theme hospital (sarcasm :< )
CM 00/01
mmm Mario bros :DDDDDDDD
Probably ET and trackmania. I cant think of any console games that made me rage that much.
worms armegeddon

not a game: School Days
Not the best game in the world anymore NOW IS IT?
i still love to watch it but it makes me fucking rage

always forget what im supposed to do after early game
Worms armageddon is a damn legend :D
school days >:
NHL or F1 games
i dont think its healthy for me to play those titles :S
I can remember playing NHL 2003 and getting fucking raged by the computer on the hardest difficulty. The goalie saved everything ... everything ;(
vs any polish dudes/fakeskillers etc

also CS - everything is so fucking slow, i lose my patience very quickly...

+ trying to fly the plane @ gta3 and then fall down right into the sea with 2meters to ground left - srsly can't that dude swim just a little -.-

E: scarface also when you die very quickly because some bitch came out of nowhere and when you try to jump to the health pack which is just lower of you and fall to your death
CoD 4 with 10 fps on every map :S
you give me the money ?

get job !

already have one, but also having a gf... so need to work very hard atm :p
The racing track mission in Mafia...that was incredibly hard and annoying, took me like 3 days to complete
Sonic the hedgehog @ SEGA
ET nowadays, mostly because of my pcs low performance :(
Today I beat all levels :)

The hardest one is pretty hard tbh
Worms Armageddon :(
Melty Blood
LAGS @ any online game
looking forward to vilas rage reply
Dynasty warriors!!
Haha me too :DDDDD.

50 minutes on one map doing all extra jobs and then Lu-Bu comes and fist your ass. Damn it.
LoL idd Lu Bu allways to powerfull that guy 1 hit and 1/2 of you life goes down..
Was kinda shit :D but still <3 that game!
Which one was the best for you ? 3 on PS2 was excellent, I spend hours on it. Other one deceived me tbh.
Hmm, this one is definetly PES6 on fourth difficulty, worst was 12th season when I just switched to that difficulty and got owned so badly that I ended up 6th in the league, one controller died during that season
wow for sure
+1 gotta love those gankers on the isle
there are alot of games but i can remember one moment ... i played nfs underground 1 and lost an important race because the fucker overtook me in the last fucking millisecond and then it happened i destroyed my joypad, the cd and i kicked a fucking big hole in my wall xDDD
after this i draw a picture on a paper and put it around the hole and guess what it looked like a piece of shit there and my parents noticed the fucking big terrorist hole :D
ET, losing against ehhh(what team was it again??) on cdc3 made me throw lavods headset against the wall and ragequit the last round.
literally every gta missions in which you gotta fly/use some minatur shit
god i hate the mission in vice city where you gotta fly a mini helicopter and place some bombs in some building
haha so true =]
i remember you had do use some floatplane and advertise something by dropping fliers or so (tho i m not so sure about it if it was exactly that to do since its 5[?] years ago)
ET ask ppl who i play with xD
Online poker really..
I hate losing allins on the river
double edit: misread. Starcraft comes to mind. And cpma.


Try not to rage while playing this :D
impossible :D
i thought nobody here knows avgn :D
Football Manager.
+1 gotta love them 90+3 goals ;/
ja2 iron man :(
Probably Quakeworld. Last night I swore loudly many times, which is a habit I'm trying to stop, because I was being raped by some veteran (I've only been playing for 3 months or so). The worst part was when we played the end map, which is used for rocket practice, and I was constantly blasted into the fucking lava, oh my god...
Never raged while i was playing a game.
60 0E DoMmEl. rofl
61 0E DoMmEl. nice knowing

57 0E DoMmEl. kkanker jood
thats not raging, learn the meaning of the word first idiot.
#norage.et join and perform, even nonames are welcome here!
thats why you are idling there.. unexpected
New Zealand Story on the Amiga 500.
Pesky fire breathing turtles and winged cats >:/
Need for speed underground. Used to be first untill the last part of the race, then crash and watch all the other cars overtake me :@@
T**h**: SA 2nd boss and the hax danmaku.
I see what you were raging about there.
Gotta be the ending boss @ tekken 5. He did his super attack every fucking 5 seconds. It was so impossible to end when I just played it a couple of days.
First I thought Q4, but then came ET:QW. I still can't believe I actually paid money for this piece of shit game :L
It will be the same with the new Wolfenstein.
airport missions in GTA SA
N+ on xbox 360, also known as N-Game on the interwebs
duckhunt is hard
need for speed underground :P
ofc football manager 2003 with this shitbug:
after loosing the champions league final the message "your 5 best players were so sad about your loss that they destroyed their hotelroom. should your co-trainer suspend them from the team? " appeared. NO OFC NOT, i got still one game in german championship and i have to win it for beeing first in the end. everytime this appeared i clicked "no" and everytime the cotrainer still suspended them and i lost.
ye or your best players just lost their motivation because you won everything and didnt want to keep on playing for your club! same shit!
especially when they are actually in the second team, are 19/20y o, have 5 stars and are your biggest hope for the future
made me also raging, yes :D
ff :o lol naab:p
crash bandicoot on psx when i was younger
indeed. xD This fucking game i hate it !
some console games against my mates
Flatout 2
maybe CoD4 too.
Gran Turismo 4 on Playstation 2 ...
i played it and got 71,1 % of the game, i got a nice car (Toytoa Minolta Race Care), i owned everything, but then i will load my savegame, after this crashed my memory card and i lost all my Cars etc. i destroyed the memory card.
All Football Manager versions from CM3 to FM2008! I'm always angry after defeat :[[[[[[
rtcw single player in some cases olo
max payne playing hard level made me angry aswell :<
FLYFF FOR FUN!!!!!!!!! LVL 84
My ISP fuckin 15 minutes on the phone to tell them I want more expensive internet, still waiting atm... All lines are taken, one moment please..

That makes me rage.

and oh yeah, games.. never really raged except with racing games like trackmania and NFS when opponent overtakes you at the last lil bit.
And whenever my pc freezes in the middle of a game/war

Et publics with epic blockage (bio)

COD4 Nades Wtf

Pro Evo where you start with default team and your players are plain shite.

FUCK Castolo learn to kick straight fucker.
in the last 3 levels it happens a lot that the hostages get shot, either by the convicts or by your own KI officers :P It preferably happens in one of the last rooms to clear. Mission fails then and you have to play the 40 - 50 minutes mission from the start.
CoD4 for sure

piece of shit game
Total Rampage in Dead Rising!
prince of persia level 6 i think. rly uses to piss me off
Im a calm person i never whine or anything :*
i didnt like the mission in cod4 where you had to defend the captain in chernobyl or smth
super mario bros on gameboy
i remember throwing away my gameboy back then when i was around ~ 10-12 untill i finally broke it :D
and ET ofc damn cheaters :c
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts :(
need for speed: porsche, while doing factory mode, I was a step of emotional breakdown sometimes, this game really made me rage-destroy my keyboard/mouse etc.8D
Gran turismo 3 at gold special licences(destroyed a joystick)
Gran turismo 4 when i played vs my cousin
And some other NPC last lap lotto in racing games
RTCW no competition

when you lose with 1 or 2 seconds ( what happens every week ) in a very inportant war
the street fighter series :S or dear or alive with my girlfriend -.- only pushing one butten but still owning ... that make my rageing
Bishi-bashi special on PS1. Weird party game but I ended up with pure rage and hitting someone :<. I blame teenage hormones.
that game fucking rocked! the pie throwing one, the car roof game (knock em off) and the dancing one where afro gets bigger were the best.
Battletoads, I had to memorize all the freaking patterns for each level, and recently dead or alive 4, cpu ai memorizing all your combos and countering everything you threw a it -___-

god, i hated losing to some of these retards.
quakeworld + cpma

and playing ET mixes as ENG smg

utopia online
enemy teraaaarrgghh
COD4 multiplayer sux but single ok for the biggest especially the server maps
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