Fuck Europe #3 and I'm a naab at Linux

Hi fellas!
Yesterday afternoon I returned from my trip to the US and A and what can I say: it was brilliant! It had everything one could ask for: Meat with cheese, Shelby Mustangs, parking on an acceleration lane, an STD, almost-illegal immigration into Canada and the girl I would like spend my life with. I'm here for roughly 1 day and a half and everything seems so strange and boring and unsatisfying that the only thing I want right now is to go back. I used to love my 8 hours computer sessions but now they seem so ridiculous and boring that I feel like I have to annihilate my old life and start something new and refreshing, get some new hobbies and adjust my new attitude. As you might tell I'm going emo so let's switch the topic to something more delightful:

I want to use Amarok on Linux but it doesn't play any mp3s although I did everything I could find on google on that problem. What could it be?
pics of the girl plz
Or 4chan is starting to turn into crossfire.
Think about it. It'll eat ya.
win32codecs or whatever ?
Why, what's so 4chanesque to share some real life on here?
which girl are you talking about dood?
btw greetings from da sunny sunny sunny california
I would be kinda jealous if you didn't have to spend your time with your parents >:D
true... But who's the chick ur talking aboot
Nocturnal emotional exaggeration :)
QuoteYesterday afternoon I returned from my trip to the US and A and what can I say: it was brilliant!

Ive always know it as "US of A" but heh :)

What part of the states did you visit ?
take a look at 'borat' movie :D
Central Michigan, Chicago and a short glimpse of Canada :)
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