Haider is dead :O

Austrian right wing politician Jörg Haider died in a car crash this morning.
I know you shouldn't make fun of it, but some people really deserve it.
Why did he deserve it, you better have a very good reason.
hes an austrian nazi just like hitler
he was an Austrian nazi, just like Hitler - to be honest :P
ye..still cant believe it, cryin all day long:'<
so should I kill you? ;D all nazis should die / be already dead.
i see your sarcasm-o-meter is in a bad condition
your too! I was joking in fact you were a nazi, still I don't believed you are one ;)
k, soz didnt read you comment word by word, now i spotted your hint;/
made me lol :)
i don't like the right wing parties, but I would never have gone so far to say 'i wish he was dead'

there are/were by far more radical/ultra-right (not too important)persons in austrian politics, eventhough mostly all of them have been in one of his parties...
i think he was a good opposing politician, his party or what he stood for is a matter of taste tho I guess...
but you could never rely on his arguments. thats sad for politician, and some lie more than other. like haider did

i that case he was a good politician populist.
yea but he doesn't deserve death for just having a sort of a very but not insaley right-oriented political idea.

at least in most parts of europe we can be glad to live under reasonable democracies - where people like him are allowed to do politics - with neither left or right extremists as leaders - could really be worse.
Prefer right than that left side
he will be overrated like falco. same lifeends they got now
u talk like yoda :D
Hail to the communists.
actually i thought the ET haider o: !
He was one of the greatest politicians in Austria the last 20 years. It's a real pity that he died :(

Could you delete this journal? It's a shame how people talk about someone they didn't even know...
Removing inconvenient opinions. The way to deal of right wing populists.
Removing *stupid* opinions. The way to deal of right wing populists.

Just wanted to make the journal myself, but this can only be a good day. HC Strache is next!
Prefer right than that left side
I thought you were him, guess i was wrong :<
end of the world
Really? I thought it's a bad joke, but it's for real. Good news, so I don't need to do it. Too bad, this death will make him a legend.
political dedication @ age 21

be fucking proud
The use of ur comment is impressive.
shit you got me there
You have 3/4 of the word NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!! in ur nickname. It can't be an accident, clearly busted!
touché again
According to that logic the Jewish Dj Skazi hails with the nazis as well.
the mossad!
what an utter retard
it's not funny in any way :)
Well some parts are.
omg, sick bastard

following those jews XD
the knowledge of some people in here is impressive.
He was a father of two daugthers, a husband to a wife, a son to his 90 year old mother, who has birthday today .. the day that her son died and you write that he deserved to die.

You really have no sense of decency.
I still feel with Eva Braun.
its really an illness of some germans to compare every right wing politican with hitler. your opinion is soley based on what you read in populist media or what?
You don't get the point. I know Haider's policy is not comparable with Hitler's. I compare your logic 'a death is always very bad and sad as there are persons who are mourning'. So according to your logic Hitler shouldn't had get killed, before he was able to do such things?

Jörg Haider brought bad things into the world and had continuied it, with no doubts. So individual fates are sad for the family, but it doesn't matter compared to the use for the mankind.

Of course, I could act like "I didn't agree with him, but his death is real sad" and the other condolence shit. But I'm happy about his death. This community is filled by 'funny' pictures and jokes about aids, poverty in africa etc. Million of people are dieing by this reasons, who deserved it less than haider and nobody really cares or acts wannabe sad.

So no reason for this 'rip mainstream' shit for such a person.
point taken even though this is an extremely disturbing comment.
you aimed into a completely different subject than I thought.
If you think someones political orientation gives him less right to live you aren't better than the nazis were.

Just think about that and maybe some day you will understand.
Who said something like that? I never claimed his death. It just happened, I can't change it, I just can accept it, I just can like/dislike it. And yes, I am happy that it happened.

Furthermore it's necessary to kill an human in rare cases, if the welfare of the humanity is in danger. But this is not matching in this case. Just as a side note.

Btw, one of the Haider statement: People with another origin have 'less right to live' than Austrians.
bold 'one' pls
If you mean that quote: "An Austrian's right to his homeland is stronger than the foreigner's right to live with his family."

You cleary don't get what he wanted to say.

But I'm not here to defend him. I was just embarrased by all these disrespectful statements towards a legal elected austrian politician.

But it fits to the low level culture here at crossfire and proofs once again that gaming might be the wrong thing for young people.
RIP. overall great politican

He was killed by leftwing politicians of Austria. His car had an airbag, how can he die then????? Sabotaged car or they bought a nurse to put the wrong medicines in him or something. HAIDER WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN !

menso, I look forward to the day you die although that shan't be too long cos Cottbus is playing so shit that you must die a little inside every time you see them play :DD
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