Dubbing or not?
11 Oct 2008, 12:10
When you are in a cinema, when you sit in front of your pc, tv, w/e- do you prefer watching a movie with dubbing or with subtitles? Why?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
laughing my ass off everytime i switch channels and see Jurassic Park or smth in german on some german channel, sounds so stupid
always so cool to see when ppl here on crossfire starts to act like they would have IQ over 2050324066
"nice english :D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:SD:SA::"
dub fucking sucks.
the only show i prefer dubbed is Spongebob!
and its a reflex to whine ingame,cant do anything about it :(((
at the beginning i didnt whine,but after my pc started to suck and i had framelag after framelag...
dubbing is a crime
have a look at that scene of pulp fiction:
"du bist ein smarter mistkerl, das war richtig!"
"you are a smart motherfucker, that's right!"
Dark knight - original + sub
Tropic thunder - dub
oh and please dont be that snob, most of you like to watch movies with dub
Maybe with additional english subs if there are scenes with foreign languages in it.
I usually prefer to watch movies without subtitles as they distract a lot. it's only necessary if you don't understand what is said.
polaki ^^
for comedy value, oldschool martial art films dubbed ADD to the viewing experience
but generally I prefer subtitles - not because its easier but dubbing voices rarely have any acting skill so cant portray the emotion as much as the original actor did... even if its in another language you can generally understand the emotion ;)
Dubbing sucks, It's fucking horrible to watch TV @ Spain x:DDDD
They are dubbing everything
anime --> subs ofc
subs = only if it's really too hard to understand. (almost never - only non english movies)
Each of it requires high level of artistic/technical input to ensure a quality output which can be enjoyed by the audience.
the choice of "medium of transfer" (dubbing or subtitling ) is often condemend due to multiple reasons which have again deep sub-reasons.there is always a history which governs why a certain section of people react differently to it.
Dubbing is good as it adds more life to the characters (unless the dubber had a bad throat !)
Subtitling is preferred by some who need to relate to original interactions.
Now as the vol. of content for dubs/subs increases the quality affects often resulting in often bad experiences in either of it.
If there a specific forum whereby audience can address such issues the studios/companies will ensure there is more quality check on the output thereby enriching the final experience of a viewer.