the big question...

Since when Israel is in Europe? I know money > all, but please.

20:15 Luxembourg ? - ? Israel


image: eu_map_europe
luxemburg may surprise , but bet on esrael np :>
Why is Luxembourg a surprise? BENELUX means Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. They basically started the European Union...
loool he talks about the match xDDD
wow good job, another magnificent historical lesson on internet

i was talking about their football team , not about EU
I should catch some sleep :c
lol you definately got smth wrong :D
can't even find isreal on the map
That's because it's located in the Middle-East
i seriously don't know, i've been wondering aswell
since clanbase allowed insanity and esrael to play ec
since when was Turkey a European Country?

Minor Asia is what they class it as!
yeah same situation. i will send this journal to the UEFA, i hope they will understand my doubts...
europe is full of smelly cunts
since when was Kazastan a European Country?
since when was malta anything

imo they can claim to be more european than turkey :)
and why? thats some news for me maybe.
cultural aspects and the fact that very big parts of the israeli people lived in europe for centuries or even millenia
i m sorry, but its absolutely bullshit.

- cultural aspects? -> dont think so.
- coz they lived at europe? -> LOL.

both should be kicked off.
no i'm telling you the keyword in this entire history is: JEWSSSSSSS :D

hi pala! :D
eu for everyone

one nation

one love
thats should be world union m8. now we are talking about european.
ur obviously a national socialist, get out of my journal
he is talking true, we are 99% europe, the only thing that makes us different is the location
oh and thats not enough to consider israel as not eu? :D :D :D :D
well they definately got a western culture,unlike the sorrounding countries :)
still, i dont deny the fact that they arent 100% "european" but since there are countries like kazakhstan and turkey playing in the ec israel is definately more european than them
ah and
image: 610x

they look like u or me right? xDDDDDDDD
these are hardcore jews where you wont see daily, they have their own school community etc
this are obviously ultra orthodox jews, not like "normal" israeli
he means jews! like pala
Pala is not jew. He is a wombat, not even human! dont call him jew! xD
but but but but he always told me he was a jew :<<< so he lied or wut?! oO
what you expect from him?
image: 04AUS-30201-Wombat
politics, imagine israel playing matches with the other arabic nations.
not damn the reason...
football guys are just too dumb to know anything about geography nor anything else ! :D
23' Luxembourg [1 - 1] Israel
haha :D
jews should've occupied germany or france to be a part of europe :(
they're part of the UEFA, probably due to history and their problems with the surrounding countries
Loekino lets go out smoke the ganja from good ole plant cannabis sativa!
Yep from a punk I stole a chunk of his skunk but realised it was junk!

I felt like rhyming ;(
luxembourg = EU check my profile!
they are playing in europe, because they cant play in arabic countries and arabs cant play in israel.
go peace and play football... ah and btw football: Lets Kick Out Racism From Football LOLOLOL. i would never allow arabs and israel to play in any uefa comp.
Why :(? Go pick some shrooms in the forest or grow some ganja! No rly;x
what the hell money has to do with us been apart from europe? just google i dont have any power to explain the obvious
look at the map m8, thats europe. u see ur country there? dont be stupid and start to explain me israel is eu since ages. coz its not, its new (3 years old) and its bullshit.
Israel is an UEFA-member since 1994.
and? they play in EC since 4-5 years or not? uefa membership means they are in europe or why u came with this thing?
They play in the EC/WC qualifiers since 1994. Not since 3 years or 4-5 years. 2008-1994 is 14 years.
QuoteNations straddling the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia have generally had their choice of confederation. As a result, a number of transcontinental nations including Russia, Turkey, Cyprus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have chosen to become part of UEFA despite the bulk of their land area being in Asia. Israel, although lying entirely within Asia, joined UEFA in 1994, after decades of its football teams being boycotted by many Arab and predominantly Muslim AFC countries. Kazakhstan moved from AFC to UEFA in 2002. Australia was the latest to move from OFC to AFC in January 2006.
nice running from the muslims.
are you member of the Nyilaskeresztes Párt or smth?
lol n1 :D not :) pala is my friend, i have nothing against them... but this eu thing is crazy. are u a jew?
lol no, i'm definately not a jew :p
we just sucks too much to play in EC :P but we are long enough in EU (i think 20 years?)
fuck u koe!!!
Well if there's any country people should be whining about it's Kazakhstan.

image: LocationKazakhstan
Throw the jew down the well!!! So my country can be free
whers theodor to spam a journal liek this... oh noes hes banned xD
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