that dude on the picture was on a killingspree in finland afaik, show a few people. and its alrdy sick to post a picture, but he typed words with it (that i dont understand but it cant be good.)
and u failed, cause there is no funny unless youre a sick man who's fuckedup in the head, and dedicate's his/her life to be famous on ze i-net. and youre not 1 of those i assume
well I guess you know that Suomi = Finland, and the telekomski thing doesn't really mean anything, sounds more like estonian to me :D but I guess it's something like "telecommunications"
so nothing wise, but I guess that doesn't surprise anyone because killerboy said it
So he's not allowed to post a pic of someone who shot a few people, including someone you knew (what killerboy didn't know i assume), else he get's beaten. You are so damn cool, really.
well but he meant it in a "funny" way, since he wrote some crap under the pic :)
he's playing with the feelings of people, if someone would post a pic concerning the shoa it wouldnt be funny either
Oh come on, there are millions of nazijokes, racist pics, etc., and those things have done way bigger damage than one finnish guy. Still, noone gives a fuck about it.
I love macabre stuff
/flame on to a polak
Managed to troll succesfully. Better results than i expected
That guy seriously doesn't understand what a troll is. Also, I fail to spot the funnies. Anyone care to explain?
and u failed, cause there is no funny unless youre a sick man who's fuckedup in the head, and dedicate's his/her life to be famous on ze i-net. and youre not 1 of those i assume
so nothing wise, but I guess that doesn't surprise anyone because killerboy said it
Isnt it great. an awesome game has the most rtarded sucker ever in history as a CB admin <_<
But flaming in some cases is just wrong specially so soon after it happened
he's playing with the feelings of people, if someone would post a pic concerning the shoa it wouldnt be funny either
cheating trash & netlamers playing with 40 maxpackets are 100 times worser than Killerboy, even @ stupid jokes , just face it