6on6 cup reminder

still need some teams for this: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=3583
skilled clans like Finland vae signed up aswell, so make sure you reserved your slot :>

Notice: If the site is a little bit laggy, just disable all graphics for esl.eu. Server is kinda laggy, soz
image: unbenannt2om8
it's german but the structure is the same, hf

Final is going to be shoutcasted by Germany duKe_
i play vs 6 np4me!

true skill0r!
ye me too lolz
both vs vae? ;p
I'm avi to play if it's possible somehow...
skilled clans like Sweden team 666, you mean
9 atm, teams are viewable after they checked in
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