winxp => ubuntu


After seeing our linuxhaxor douille pwning so hard yesterday, I decided to give ubuntu another chance. It installed like a charm just like the last time. I'm currently downloading the ET linux bin files, and i guess i'll have to update etc.

Please give me some advice on:
-how to get the sound working (got hardware soundmixing)
-how to not get kicked for gameviolation 20006
-wine or mumble?
-whatever you feel important :P
-how the fuck do i install the linux ET client :')

tnx a lot
You were not there @ 1600!
check tutorials section there was a topic explaining all the stuff like sound etc
tnx will do :)
In before meez.
haha you mean the guy who inverted his name because he was sick of windows? (ULTRA PUN!!!!)

took me a while to get it
for sound : echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss or a better way is :

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-alsa after that you enter this :

wget -q -O - | gzip -d > et-sdl-sound && chmod a+x et-sdl-sound

and start ET with ./et-sdl-sound

This works with Wine + ET fine.

mousesettings you can adjust in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the mouse section
I had problems with using Vent through Wine back then.
I couldnt hear two people talking.
have same problem for years :)
skillboost incoming
skillboost incoming
As PB can't do shit on linux I also gave it a try. For the first time since about 2 years I could see a clean lagometer...

Now, besides sound problems (you won't make it work 100% like you would like to; don't even waste your time. Either et or ts/ventrillo will have fucked up sound.) there is another problem with ubuntu (8.04-8.10). After installing it try running et and do some quick turns. You'll probably notice that mouse stops responding. Also mousewheel will be fucked up. This is a know problem with latest versions of xorg. You can't fix that by switching dpi or in_dgamouse. If you manage to fix that, plz send me a pm. I tried and failed.

Of course there are other issues, like getting used to linux input and later playing on windows on any lan, etc. List goes without end. Too bad that if one has a bit older computer (which still handles 125fps in et) only linux can stop pb from lagging as hell.
use open sound system 4! it fixes the issues with the sound, trust me
Never had sound problems at all tbh.
I have no problems with sound in any progs!
Can run ET, music and ventrilo together

Took a little configuration but I got my mouse (MX518) working exactly the same as in windows (side buttons, scroll etc)
plz tell the community how

(or send awesome links with precise/exact info)

We has is need de het tutorial!
I'd recommend using Open Sound System 4
use and download the client html files on the page
use compiz to change the mouse polling rate 1 = 1000hz, 2 = 500hz, etc
wine and vent work, but only with voice activation, mumble has a native client, so if u can use it.
wine is not an emulator!
then what it is?
dunno, but WINE -> Wine Is Not an Emulator :p
Windows API libraries.
there you go
hf with eth
douille > you
don't blame windows for sucking !!
for perfection i just would need how to

nvidia 6600gt drivers install

and would make me a totally linux user in less than 2 hours
To avoid having to deal with permission issues, it's a good idea to install ET as regular user (as opposed to super user).

So, instead of running the installer with "sudo ./", simply execute it with "./", change the installation path to something like "/home/overdrive/enemy-territory", and place the symbolic links in "/home/overdrive". Then, when the installation is finished, move the symbolic links to "/usr/local/bin/" with the following command:
Quotesudo mv /home/overdrive/{et,etded} /usr/local/bin/
./ 273: /home/bart/.setup6354: not found
./ 278: /home/bart/.setup6354: not found
./ 289: /home/bart/.setup6354: not found

If that's what you get when you attempt to run the installer, try downloading it from and make sure that it isn't corrupt by checking its md5 checksum against the following sum: 2d2373f29f02e18d365d7f1860eee435.

You can print the installer's checksum by issuing the following command:
its not the file which is corrupted :/
Don't know what to do then. Never encountered that problem :-(

You could try launching the installer with "sh" instead of "./". Don't know if it makes a difference.

As an alternative, you could try installing the game through Playdeb, which I just stumbled upon. That should make the installation frictionless. (Haven't tried it myself, but it seems very straightforward.)
You could've mentioned that you use the 64-bit version :P
is it worth it? soz didnt knew it was that important :DD
I wanna know how to disable that annoying mouse acceleration :<
xset m 0 ?????
tried more than 100 times... I can't play ET @ linux... mouse seems to 'lagging' (in menu only) - pointer's making a move 2secs later + acceleration in game is horrible, almost like cl_mouseaccel 5
Works fine for me :s
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