Memory usage & sens

This is my last whine journal but

I've been having these shitty sens problems for so long, basicly it's a sort of slippery feeling where precise tracking just isn't possible because it seems like the pixels are skipping or theres some weird mouseaccel.

Well for some reason I just had the idea to go play in windowmode, and monitor the cpu and memory usage as I'm playing. What I noticed first was while spectating for a few minutes the memory usage never went above 180Mb but when I joined and started playing in the first minute it hardly moved at all but then went up 1 mb every second till it finally reached 755 mb. (Thats ridicules for a 16slot server and a 5 year old game tbfh...) anyways

I got 2 GB so that doesn't sound too bad.. or does it? ->

well as soon as the memory went up the sens felt more and more slippery and unprecise till it eventually reached the maximum and it got totally unplayable, the screen started to tear slightly and tiny movements where choppy and tbh the hitreg started going down the drain, prolly due to lack of smoothness. + the screenshake started to feel worse prolly due to the slight tearing...

well problem is, even if I set it to 192 it still gets to ~650mb and so makes it unplayable..

wtf can I do? :/

image: gtfopblg3
get better cpu :>
because of the cpu usage?
my athlon 3000 used to play ET at 125fps fine, over the years of PB updates however it got to the point where that wasn't possible

he shouldn't need to upgrade, evenbalance should get their shit together seriously
yep oldtimes :) with my old 900mhz i had 76fps stable

and with my "newer" pc 1.6ghz i had 300+ fps :p
yep had a 3000+ @ 2.4 and an x850Xt-pe and always played with 200 fps stable, also had rock stable 333 on radar tricking on /devmap.

Now I get 160 on /devmap everything higher drops :DDD
could be bad ogl performance from the card..

fact is PB sux and should be sued, srsly
I think that AIMBOT could be good cure for this problem, If you have one you don't need any kind of sense !
Your hunkmegs are too high and even if you changed them, they are oviously only "latched". :)
the cfg in my profile isn't what I'm using if it's that you judge after and my hunkmegs are at 192, just tried 160 but it's the same, just takes a bit longer to kick in and go up 1 mb a second till around 700mb ..
what a shit pc
gonna smile when they finally ban you for being so disrespectful in every journal.

It's ok if you do it once in a while, happens to everyone that they're in a bad mood etc but you must be one depressed/soziopathic fuck to be doing it non stop. go fuck yourself, seriously.
actually I meant that the lags maybe caused because of your PC but whatever D:
My ET memory usage has went up quite alot too recently.. Used to be around 190-220mb and now it's around 500.

idd, gonna write them a ticket and use a lot of *'s to make sure it get's sent and not blocked by their course filter :X
does hunkmegs really matter that much? i had 192, recently i changed it to 1024 and i cant feel any differences
well for me it fucks up the mouse, it becomes uncontrollable after a few minutes, kinda slippery or like it has some accel, and aiming becomes mostly lotto, especially where tiny movements are needed.. I always wondered why when I TJ with /devmap my sens feels so nice and then so shitty on pubs and cb servers.. know I know and can't even fix it... I'm still not a bad player bad I could be much better because it really is so fucking hard to aim with this .. :(
got kinda the same
buy my pc
the one where ET gets 30 fps? :DD
get 512 mb of ram!
got the same as long as i can remember

makes aiming impossible
minimize every round
I minimize all the time, it has no effect :D
delete(move) demos + ss
only have like 5 demos and maybe 3 screenshots and I didnt have them a few days ago.
Why exactly should this help? It was the same when I had none :/
wait, what minimizer you using?
task manager minimizer :>
which one? alt+tab doesn't work. I have minimiz0r from lightning
ctrl alt delete - left click on et-minimize
kill pb, got the same thing. I just put my sens higher and now i spray and pray instead of aiming. Im just gonna quit ET i guess
been aiming lotto since over a year or more because of this and I had no clue what was doing it, all I knew was that something was wrong and that I couldn't make small movements with my mouse, nor control it but I kept playing and was still fairly skilled.. But eventually I just gave up. I havn't had a single day where I enjoyed a game of ET. Especially when everyone thinks your full of shit cuz you whine about something that's supposable just in your head.. Was sick of having this disadvantage so I quit playing competitively all together and just let everyone think what they want...

I cant even be arsed to write a trouble ticket cuz they're not gonna do shit anyways, I seriously wanna shit in their faces while they're sleeping, fucking all this stress I had because of this shit, formatted 6 times, the countless hours on mousefixes, drivers and ofc money for new hardware I didn't need in the first place. i'm so sick of it!!11
aye, im planning on quitting aswell :p
ET isnt as much fun as it used to be when things ran smooth. Im not planning on buying a new mouse;mousepad and pc when im pretty sure they wont make any difference at all :/

And yeah i hate those guys that always go "WHINE" or "CARE" aswell. Probably playing ET with monster pc's with 20gig ram or something ;)
Ye guess some don't have the problem or are just not aware or are cheaters w/e :DD
It's impossible to play decent with this, kinda sad. ET is such a good game ;/

Anyways it doesn't really have to do with ram I guess. I ordered 2 gig of leet ram
and it didn't help. Now I've even got the ram to stay at around 450 but it's still just
not playable, a bit better but ...

gonna wait on wolfenstein or start playing css, raged some pubs a few days
ago when I installed it again :DD
lol whine

who cares btw
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