Crysis Warhead = FaiL?

Took me nearly as long to download as finishing it :(

About 6 hours of a bit fun for 26 €? And EA really complains about piracy? :(

Next: FarCry 2, hopefully not the same shit... .
i didn't like it 2
well more because of pircacy they start to make games for money indeed, just fast games, fast finished, fast new money;x
Been playing the open weekend, 4 1/2 hrs to download and the multiplyer sucks with all those tanks and shit in it!
only graphics
Tbh people who pay lots of money to play a half decent game with their uberhardware are just freaking retarded.
That is what they realised so now you have to life with it until people stop wasting their money for such games.
And even at that they fail
crysis 1 was pretty short, too.
cod4 aswell.
the trend is: extremely good single player but short, try tomake mp as good as u can.
The single players was far from beeing good, it sucked donkeyballs, no new features, no new weapons... just some levels and a even more twisted story which you cant even think about because you know nothing about it, gg.
CoD 4 is nice in singelplayer and on uber publics, suck donkeyballs in clanwars.
in your point of view.
Well i played cod4 in high level for some time, and its really easy to get bored of it.
More random frags then skilled frags, and many retarded camp only teams.
CoD 2 is a much more skilled game than CoD 4.
Was about the Crysis Warhead singleplayer, never played CoD4. :(
didnt play the addon. was talking about crysis.
Its not even a addon thats the funniest thing about it, for 30 € you can play 6 hours of a game which you allready played :D
Sorry but I haven't seen an innovating and really good new MP game mode for years... The trend seems all about reinventing the wheel: copy an existing game mode, add some shitty new features, release it.
we need something like half life 2 :x
We need something like star wars repuplic commando or like operation desert storm, we need some tactical playing and some kind of new features but not fucking raging all enemies even in hard mode with pistol only :(
ya that's really true -.-
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