PC specs

- intel pentium d915 2.8 GHZ (dual core)
- 2 GB Ram
- ati x1950 pro 256 mb
- OCZ Stealthxtream 600W
- 160 GB SATA
- dvd writer

1. Are these specs worth €165 ? (2nd hand)
2. Can I play ET stable with this computer? (goldrush, radar etc in 6vs6)
much more
for that price i guess its good
i don't recommend that x1950 card,i had it and it overheats so easy. i was able to play BF2 like 20minutes and my monitor shut down.
It's not worth it! Give me the phone number of the person in charge and I'll have a serious conversation with him!
one word: core 2 quad

edit: oh that are actually 3 :D
I doubt it that u will be able tokeep 125 stable.. ( but idk )
You seriously paid over 400€ for your processor?
funniest thing is that he seems to be running it stock, in real world (non SSE4) applications my q6600 will be outperforming it :E
You're kidding me right.
pb suck nowadays
what PC do you have now? With those specs you better use a relatively small crt screen with 800x600.
small? 21" 800x600 $$$$
I doubt that he will be able to hold 125 fps steady with those specs
Definitely yes.
Huh, with PB enabled in 6v6?

Perfo has a 3.2ghz Pentium and can't handle goldrush on 125fps.

I call bullshit.
What the hell is PB doing these days? My crappy Athlon 64 3200+ used to be enough for a smooth ET experience...
yeah my 3000 also, these days if it's 6v6 and you're outside it's impossible to keep 125fps on that spec :\

fuck pb
Even in Linux?
nope, linux isn't plagued by the new processes/services PnkBstrA/B which run while you play games
So, what's the problem then? :D
vent emulation still sucks and not enough people use mumble
I can have stable 125 everywhere but sp_deliverys corridors near axis spawn :XD
not kidding

Used to play with a AMD 2800+ 2,08 GHz (one core), a Radeon 9200, 768MB DDR and I've always had stable 76 fps everywhere (except some parts of radar) without any problems.

so with the pc he's aiming he would easily get 125
multiple cores don't really affect et's performance :\

i doubt he could maintain 125 stable, if you think otherwise then your definition of stable is simply wrong
We'll see, but if he configures well his pc, he won't have any problems imo ^.^
9800 pro is what i got :)
You should be able to play with 125fps stable on every map with that kind of setup.
hey man, this isn't 2006 anymore, we have pnkbstra/b these days

don't give advice if you don't know jack about the subject, thanks
I dont have pnkbstra/b you cocksucker
enjoy emulating ventrilo ;_;
you are able to keep stable 125 fps. hf
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