dont wanna istall photoshop again, cause i suck in it
damn i think its 2 much work for "a" desktop and i dont see it, or just when i boot so its more or les useless
y eim learning programming in school <3 :D other group and other class are already making C++ but we are retarded so we are still in turbo pascal :DDDDD
21" crt + 22" lcd
finding good panoramic/dual backgrounds is pretty hard, but I'm still on the lookout for something that makes me want to ditch this genericness
just look for panoramic and be prepared to have to crop/resize by yourself in photoshop/gimp
thats how i did it anyway, you won't find any that 'just work' for two different size monitors, have to make them yourself
damn i think its 2 much work for "a" desktop and i dont see it, or just when i boot so its more or les useless
I had to post it cause Ney pushed me! :(
Turbo Pascal! :D