Gaming sites worldwide

Morning guys, need your help and expansive knowledge of the gaming world.

At work we are carrying out a "seeding" process which in effect means finding general gaming sites where we can place links which link back to our own player (soon to be HD), where it will show gaming content similar to tosspots eSports example is here.

The plan is to build up more content for gaming related shows and include them in our channel list under Computers and Technology..

I need to make a list of all gaming websites which have large traffic, atm I have about 20 which I have created an account on. Can you guys suggest any gaming sites you might know where it might be worth joining and including our link?

Also need to find the possibility to blog and include a video in the blog..wordpress wont let me..anyone any idea about blogging?

Cheers guys
LoEl No OnE sPaMmInG hErE? is the first thing that springs to mind.
ye got that one m8, thx anyway...
What about ? And do you intend on only including general gaming sites, or are you also looking at big specific game related websites that get a lot of trafic, such as the blizzard forums?
Want to have 5 top ones to "infiltrate" and as many other general gaming sites as possible..this can include consoles etc or even concentrating on 1 game..blizzard is a nice tip :)

not sure if it's still that active tho as cadre doesen't exist as a clan anymore
I wish I had some tool to be able to check traffic to specific sites :( Would make my job easier...

It's a bit off but still a decent tool to compare what level websites are on.
nice one m8, gonna try that
thx m8...hoping to set up some gaming shows on the uk site which will be launched this week, so ye its nice but its a challenge :p
After reading your journal fully, lol. You don't honestly think websites are going to allow you freely 'link' your own content. People 'accepted' TosspoT's videos because they were either his (crossfire/eSreality - admin on the latter), or people were allowed to directly host or stream without leaving the website (cadred/tek9/SK), and they were well made.

You're not carrying out a "seeding" process but a 'leeching' one. Piggy backing off established websites user base to 'steal' traffic will only irritate people with a commercial interest, and most likely get you banned eventually.
Think u miss the point. Its not leeching, its pure seeding in the true sense of the word, for anyone that may have an interest in any certain content. The web sites I'm looking at are not in competition, they will have communities, who might be interested in making their own content on our site which they cannot do on their own.
Other than that, its a dog eat dog world...
Well going off Swine's list and your response "thx swine, some of them I will include....and vae ofc :p". Almost all those are commercial websites who produce their own video content. Why would they want someone to go posting links in their forums advertising content on another website?

"The web sites I'm looking at are not in competition, they will have communities..." - You'll only be posting on Crossfire and eSreality then? Literally every other website is commercial. I don't miss the point at all. This isn't about the users. Of course they might be interested in your videos. But, that doesn't change the fact that you're advertising on someone's website.
we dont produce our own video content, thats the point, its a way of allowing people to share and increase awareness of their own. "But, that doesn't change the fact that you're advertising on someone's website". ofc, thats the point. And why limit peoples membership to 1 community? We arent trying to sell designer t-shirts on a designer t-shirt website.
So you're a hub for video content. Okay, now I understand. Having said that it's even more unlikely because the commercial interest really becomes the issue. Why should SK let Carmac upload/stream his videos on your website when it could get all the traffic for its self? They pay the huge air fares and his wage after all.

"And why limit peoples membership to 1 community?" Gamers are lazy for one, and no one likes visiting (or registering) multiple websites. I don't use UGame for a reason.

We're past the stage where technology creates an audience on its own merit. You're to produce your own content to get traffic. Unless you're the next Youtube no one is going to visit.
Thanks for your input, but me unlike you have finished my studies long time ago and have lived in the real word for long enough to mostly disagree with what you are saying. If everyone thought like this there would be no enterprise. Simple. You tube doesnt even come into it as it appears people upload anything they like onto there and as a result are (youtube) being sued for illegal content.
We have enough people who upload their own content and are happy to do so, especially new music acts etc...they receive their own mini site etc..but enough said I think. We also have enough people join the community and the many groups there.
Parent ..?:<

its really up to date too :<
class that, just wat i needed...!

Now gtfo!! :p
Could you write those 20?
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