Would you become a progamer?

I'm pretty bored and I was thinking.. Korean starcraft progamers practically practice, eat and sleep. They live in a team house together with their teammates, playing starcraft for 8 hours a day. Basically, it's like a 9-5 job, but you're playing a game.. many of you say you would like to be a progamer, be paid for playing a game all day.. but would you give up education, most of your social life etc if you were given the chance to play the game you like and make a living with it?


if i was in a team with tossgirl i'd think about it :D
image: tossgirl
Yes, I would. But only if I were to play a game that didn't make me rage.
Heb je hem ook weer met ze Rage :')

If I was asked 6 years ago, I would have said yes, when I was playing CS.
I guess that playing like this becomes a job pretty fast, and you will hate it just like school or work.

I'm not really sure, but I think it's also like they are professionals, so they make money... But they won't end up being millionairs, will they? Doesn't really sound to me like it was worth it.
Some gamers do end up pretty rich.
well, i dont hate to play ET after 6 years.. but i hate school after 2 years :XD
the difference is that if you are tired/bored you will /quit ET and play again when u want. you aren't forced to play 10 hours a day :P
well, if you wanna get paid steadily i would think you are (contract with a team).. obviously not in ET though :p
you get paid for a normal job aswell, but still after some time you will hate it.
some of the korean progamers are pretty rich, but they dont live like it. they still live in the team house, etc.. i guess they save it for retirement, since you pretty much waste your 15-20, sometimes even older (25 max, after that you're senses and reflexes are too shit or sth) years on progaming and after that you pretty much got no education and job.
hmmm, I just found something... a korean top player makes like 200.000 - 300.000 $ a year. Not that bad tbh =)

edit: especially if you only sit home and have 0 time to spend any of it xD
I don't hate school .
Why you have to give up your social life because of a work? People whom work normal office hours have no social life or what are you trying to say?

Hi from the office, first day at new job today :)
I guess it's more the fact of constantly travelling the globe that cuts down on your social life. A friend of mine, one of the WC3 pro's, has to be in Korea to train and play TV matches on a regular basis and via a fixed schedule. He hardly has time to do anything besides play and travel. It might sound adventurous, but according to him, it gets tiring. Though it did get him the hottest gf ever ;(
You're a friend of Grubby?
Lucky you. Seems like a nice guy. I've defended him on a number of occasions, and he's probably my favourite eSports personality even though I don't play Warcraft III.
He's a really nice guy and worthy to be called a pro, the way he handles thing is just professional. His blogs are interesting reads to. What I like is that he never really got that ego, he is just thankful to have had all these experiences, but isn't crazily focussed on being the best. Aiming for a nice and proper life is what we all should go for I guess :)
Well, I consider travelling as a positive thing for my social life.
Not if you have to play a game and train. You'll have hardly any time to meet new people (I think :D). You should see it more as a business trip people have than as a vacation.
was thinking the same..

why would you give up your social life for a job ? You can do both
Depends on the people I play with and how much of a social life I have left.
(language rule!)

I'm always busy!!
Oh sorry..:(
I wouldnt give up my education for just that, unless it pays really good. And I wouldnt do it either if that would ruin my social life.
No fucking way.
depends on how much money i would earn
would be funny but then it would get boring.
Would you get fired if you cheated
Your contract would be terminated and your team might even take legal action against you. Just like if you used drugs in sports. Hi Mutu (football example if you don't know)!
you wouldt loose your social life at all imo 9-5 monday to friday. go out on the weekends.

its just like any other job just you might have abit mroe fun while doing it.

now from my experience of progaming ..
when i said give up social life, i was referencing to starcraft progamers. t in reality, you'd have very little free time.
Most pro-gamers actually train anywhere up to 15 hours a day (in South Korea). Counter Strike teams will put in close to 100 hours practice in a one or two week period before an event. The more competitive the game; the more hours required.

The social aspect is negligible since most gamers socialise with other gamers and playing is part of that routine. Once you're past a certain point in education the "mature student" is actually quite normal and accepted. At college we'd a few in our class (16-year-old and above) and at university there's even more.

Anyone saying they wouldn't give up their education is quite short sighted and adhering to stigmas and expectations.

Personally, I wouldn't. Though, if you were merely trying to escape reality and you'd no real prospects or goal in mind then I'm sure it might be a great, albeit short, career.
Most programmers
I program 5 headshots every round, but sometimes the opponent simply uses the better libraries :(
I forgot that being English means I'm never allowed to make mistakes. I do apologise.
who would be stupid enough to think u could make a living out of it lulz..
what about the guys in korea?
it's normal there and there is probably much much less stigma about the subject then there is in the west
The people in the West still make a decent enough living, trust me.
Most interesting there is pic of Tossgirl!
cant even play et for more then 3 hours the day .. so hell no
actually i am pro already. too bad its only in prince of persia one!
that is game is so classic :D
if i would not be making a lot of dough[like Fatal1ty does (does he?)]then no.
Maybe... if there was a game worth playing. (I'm not talking about money here)
not rly
i like the girl, the hat is ugly :s
its a progamer hat
sure, after i finish my education (so you have something to fall back on)

and only if it's a game i love
"if you were given the chance to play the game you like and make a living with it"

well one only lasts so long in the pro gaming scene, like cmon, how many 40 year olds do you see playing professional games? But I guess at that age you could still be picking up big bucks by being a coach/manager or something... so yes if it was a game worth playing (like CS :D)
pointless at this point coz it is not gonna happen in europe for some time...
Hell no. I don't appreciate games that much. And the reward isn't worth the time spent at the moment, no matter how you look at it.
i`m a musician myself and i play guitar for about 15 years. i teach guitar (makes like 10-13 hours guitar a day) and i still L0V3 it! <3 xD

i think it depends on what you wanna do in/ with your life, and what sense you see behind an activity/ work / game / etc..
if its satisfying, its alright! if you can live from it, its even better!! :D

other ppl sit in front of the pc every day like pro gamers, but they don`t play games, they just work with bills and stuff like that (rampage of bills! unstoppable bill! billoc master! omg xD)

only problem would be, that one is dependent on events where you can get money and show your g4m1n6 sk1llz.. :)
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