Yours cfg story

Tell yours cfg's story. How long did u play with default? Where did u get ur first custom cfg? How long u have played with it?

I played about year with default then built my own and still playing with it :P
fucking awesome
Playing 4 years with my own, had some adjustments over the years.
why i was like 2 weeks in intense-esports (like 1 year et) i got my first spawn/class binds and i changed my crosshair from default to a dot ;d;; im still using default shizzle like bloodflash etc
first cmd was bind k kill :/
bind mouse3 kill :>
bind mouse4 kill
such an annoying journals u have there m8
played 2 years on default cuz i didnt know nothing about cmd;s :/
i played like 1 year with default ...then a friend send me his cfg...later ive made my own ownage cfg
i've edited my rtcw config when et has been released. it's almost same for 6 years. who cares anyway?
when i came to etpro i used wiz cfg at 1st, then mixed it up alot. i played with hmekk.cfg pretty long time then just been swapping and swapping etc etc, now at Sonights(?:D) cfg.
I played 1-2 days with a bit edited default cfg (cl_maxpackets, fov, sensitivity etc.). After it I asked some of my clan mates for they configs, compared them, downloaded some pro configs, compared them all, tried every command ingame with other value or if I don't saw results searched for it on Google, and after 5 months I finally don't edited it anymore ;-)
so when u've finally released ur config, u decided to register at xfire? :DD
I'm playing for about 8 months now, performing like someone that is playing ET for 2-3 years ;-)

but seriously, tell me now, who cares anyway? =D
DeSanchezzz does.
btw. to answer your last question: when I was playing in High Quality @ CEDGe-Gaming I finally registered myself on cf ;p also 3 months after playing ET :]
I asked Finland jiitee how to remove screenshake and he gave his cfg.. Almost 2 years ago. :)
I still play (if I could) with default :d
+2 years with default cfg @ etpubz0r xDDDDD but then i got that nice ragnar-x- cfg and found etpro :D:DDx
I was pub owning about one year with the default one with only some small changes (blood off etc) then I made my own which I used 2.5years long and now I got a new one I'm playing with for about ~6-12months.
Basically I'm using my current config for over 2 years now, only made some minor changes.
Never played with the default cfg.
my first cfg contained two lines, first was colored name second was cg_drawgun 0 (i am now plain with 1 btw)
/name ^1K^7U^1B^7A^3-^1P^7L

was just irony about some polish "high skilled jaymod players"
aah ofc:) i am a bit "Slow" today, gonna go to school in a few mins
most obvious was "KILLER(PL)" though:-P
First config i used was eternels from Gamers nation
Used default for about a month.
First config I used was written for me by SenF|Statix a couple of years ago. Used that up until about 6 months ago when I switched to a slightly modified version of Sheeps cfg.
started with interface's cfg, and from there random cfgs
After like 2 months of playing with default cfg I found a site where you could download some cfgs, I started to test them. And tested them for 1,5 years or so. I'm playing with the same for 1 year now.
started with default, later kotkis.cfg, later decem.cfg with some tweakings, currently clouver.cfg with some tweakings

waiting for squall's comment
Played with default about 0,5 year

Then made my own cfg and now I have used it last 4,5 years
haha nerd :D doing your own configs lol'd xD
That's the reason why I'm so much better than you :)))))))

Me high, you nerd
6 months of no cfg on unpatched et, then 6 month of no cfg on patched et.

i catch on slow :D

now though i change like every week
wanna change to mine? would be funny to see you writing next year something like "6 months of no cfg on unpatched et, then 6 month of no cfg on patched et, than i was changing every week to another cfg, than i found sEthje's cfg and i loved it, but now I'm playing with zeh uber ReWolf cfg! =D"
first cmd was bind k kill
3 month with default and then wizard , interface or reload , and now Spray cfg
well i played like half year without cfg, i didnt knew that there is something like config :] then my brother made one so i copied it and just made anotherbinds.. it was cfg only with binds, color nickname, nick swapper and pb_security 0 (lulz becouse u had to have thi 0 if u wanted to play on one server.. ).. one day i was like omg i have to make a real cfg! i googlewd for commands, and build the cfg i have nowadays.. :] except samll changes (sens, when virred computer then maxfps 76 and picmip 3.. xD)
I found my way onto some ET website that had a section about ET configuration and cvars. I simply created an autoexec.cfg and tried different settings and that shaped up to be the cfg that I'm currently using. I even had the obligatory "We need a ninja deer!" vsay bind. I've never bothered trying anyone else's which is probably the reason I'm so bad at ET.
played with default cfg for 1.5 year after that my mate gave me a custom config played with that one for a year then i played alot with Efax and he had an omg wtf nice aim and he gave me his config and now i got my own cfg pretty long time
My 1st config was class selector + bind k kill; say_team SELFKILLOMGHLOLETC. and sensitivity changer thought it would be good because i can use lowsens. Before it i just played in NQ and had like 60k xp...
i played with default for 1 week got my cfg from a friend of mine started edditing it my self adding numerous name scripts and mapscripts and class scripts and now it's the xway it is :p
around 1 year with default cfg, then found out what a config is.
jeeeeeeeejeeeeeeeee jeeeee jeeee vitun hieno sivusto
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