ctrl v

ctrl v then reply to journal

» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 28 characters.
» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 28 characters.
» Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 28 characters.
I wanna be the smile you put on your face

i added * because it was my irc auth password :(
Crazy Wolabies
So you're a hub for video content. Okay, now I understand. Having said that it's even more unlikely because the commercial interest really becomes the issue. Why should SK let Carmac upload/stream his videos on your website when it could get all the traffic for its self? They pay the huge air fares and his wage after all.

"And why limit peoples membership to 1 community?" Gamers are lazy for one, and no one likes visiting or registering on multiple websites. I don't use Ugame for a reason.

We're past the stage where technology creates an audience on its own merit. You're to produce your own content to get traffic. Unless you're the next Youtube no one is going to visit.

I've a habit of copy/pasting my comments in case Xfire logs me out!
i do that when i make either a big post or a post with images in it.

for some reason it takes like 7 goes for me to be able to post with images in it =/
It's Crossfires subversive quality control system!
het is zo verleidelijk om aan te raken and er in knijpen is zo geniaal....

pw to porn

was having a wank:(((
nothing ! been playing wow all day after 1 week of not playing so
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