how the fek(Solved)

and the fact that when i type the first letter of my login name of the site it shows the whole name example : on cf i type b i see bouncer??


P.S:already tryed to delete the cookies didnt work...and i cant eat those kind of cookies so......halp thx

Solution :
Hover over the name with your cursor and hit del.

Solution2 by Meez :Option >Security>Saved password and you can delete pass and log for each site
press on log out?
I said it wrong my bad reread if u can help thx if no nvm btw to other that knows how to do but wont say tell me or i will kill your kidding i will just rape them
Tools -> Clear Private Data -> Saved form and search histor
No it will do it for all the sites
If there's no way to view data saved on a per site level (I wouldn't know, have never used Fx), then you're probably fucked.
Your other solution works too dunno why you deleted it :D
why care?
Hover over the name with your cursor and hit del.
new to computers?
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