funny quotes ..

[17:30] <ikssde> rly
[17:30] <ikssde> u should get some english lesson
[17:30] <ikssde> how ffs some1 can be so shit?
[17:30] <ikssde> :O
[17:30] <ikssde> know u what shit means?
Only if i get an approval from Germany chosen will i post logs on xfire

seems like iksdee is dyslexic
Quotebeing the only gay in et <3 =D

ahaha :D
think what are you will i know thats i´m med

or something XD
Igloo on 13/10/08, 22:44:47 PM | Reply

If you don't believe in God, then you are simply RETARDED. There are proofs for God's existance (historical esp), reports from what the atheists have seen etc. The question should be how to live properly/ not if God/satan really exists..

Most of here are atheists because of lazy & drunk players with no future perspective.. so what can the uneducated know about truth? The answer is nothing.
Gosh, this is brilliant.
I simply had to reply to that :D
and this is the 2nd dumbest quote after that
thanks, i did my best for it
you do know that not only the bible is proof of his existence right?
(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff

Never will I forget this one.
nos: we can play braun or B4
harry: I cant play on pc there is a storm in my house
sebi: I'm even more clever than you ever could be and I'm even more skilled too.
in unrelated news i still have the .sql file backup from my ET quote database lying around somewhere if someone wants to rehost it
(@Tamiiii) vittu ku vituttaa... mutsiki tuli tohon ja sano et ei vittu näytät homolt
i lold in RL!! so true my m8, high 5!!
(@Sinnu) mitmes 19 on?
[23:02:10] [DOTS|Ghaist] hi i am ghaist from DOTS we just played a war whit some dignitas players and beat them whit 16-4
[23:02:31] [SL|chaoz] hi i am chaoz and I dont give a fuck
GARlock on 06/04/08, 23:31:18 PM | Reply

I occasionally browse xfire. Yes you heard me right, occasionally. And every mother fucking time I do browse this piece of shit site I see 4chan related garbage I thought died off 2 years ago. If any of you faggots can give me one good reason why you retards HAVE to post this shit outside of the shit hole you believe is your home, please let me know, because I'm not really seeing the point. Does this make you feel cool? Does this make you feel superior to the average internet user? I can't believe you faggots still haven't noticed you've been worshipping a dead board while raping its corpse into fucking oblivion, great fucking fun, aren't you the superior internet warrior. I pray for your disgusting existence to go back to the abomination you came from, I come here to read gaming news, not to see you idiots spout your moronic memes. Believe me, I have been trying my best to ignore it. I've been discussing your faggotry with several people and this is what I personally think of you. FUCK YOU.
he got some issues
stheno-twinzzy: No you tell me. We where on ventrilo like, wtf multihack? [Even snoop told me that it was obvious]


[art-wakizashi] if you didnt hack in this game, there is no point of playing it xD
[19:35] <+TEKN0> "only if i was like phonics"
(22:09:15) (@ephix`Ronner) als je niet komt opdagen of sucked op cdc4 he, dan ga ik je kankerhard rapen in het toilet en als je er niet bent zoek ik je op in noorwegen en pleur je van een rots
(22:09:50) (@ephix`Domi) sucked op cdc4 he
(22:09:53) (@ephix`Domi) maar ephix`Ronner
(22:09:57) (@ephix`Domi) wie weet vind ik dat wel fijn!
from illumise his profile :

(chizz6l) ja maar
(chizz6l) Witje
(chizz6l) HIT
(chizz6l) die kunne nog ni winne vn 2 olifante die aan schake zijn

(18:13:02) (@chizz6l`) ik zou nog liever in een rolstoel zitte en ademe door een rietje dan te bluffe in welke finale in zit met volleybal
<clouver> 3 words
<clouver> fuck you
Session Start: Mon Nov 26 23:47:04 2007
Session Ident:
03[23:47] * Now talking in
03[23:47] * Topic is 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy, kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, TBA. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
03[23:47] * Set by unique`twinzzy on Mon Nov 26 23:32:18
03[23:47] * L sets mode: +o joop`
03[23:50] * haZer is now known as haZER
Session Time: Tue Nov 27 00:00:00 2007
01[00:02] <@joop`> unique`twinzzy
[00:02] <@unique`twinzzy> ja?
[00:02] <@unique`twinzzy> lol tering me highlight staat hard !
01[00:03] <@joop`> I had some conversation with nils, lakai and ovrboost. And we don't want you as a leader/player in our team.
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> Then u know where to go
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> ;)
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> You can remove tags and stuff :)
01[00:03] <@joop`> So, we'll talk with the unique management, and if they don't want us we'll make our own team.
01[00:03] <@joop`> Or name, w/e
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> Then u go and make ur own team allready
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> in other clan
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> cause
[00:03] <@unique`twinzzy> I got accepted
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> and signed
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> and i wasn't supposed to take u in @ all
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> So
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> I could make a new squad
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> but hold you guys cause u where nice
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> and u dont even give me a change
[00:04] <@unique`Lakaii> ... why would they want a more shit team
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> so wtf
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Lakaii ?
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> not nice at all
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> i am playing nice enough for this team
[00:04] <@unique`twinzzy> and worthy to prove myself
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> more shit team ?
01[00:05] <@joop`> You are coming in, pming me, dunno about the others. That you take this all over
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> joop` if you checked crossfire
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> you knew
01[00:05] <@joop`> Do you think that sounds nice? And you are acting quite arrogant imo.
[00:05] <@unique`Lakaii> I mean, it's not like you're going to build another lineup as good as this one :P
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Lakaii then stay and dont whine and i will just do my job :)
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> Why u dont accept me as leader anyways
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> im nice enough
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> and good enough
[00:05] <@unique`twinzzy> for this tea
[00:06] <@unique`Nils> lipton
[00:06] <@unique`Nils> :<
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> I quitted my whine unique`Nils in first place
01[00:06] <@joop`> For sure, but you were out. So you come in as last, and you are leader? Ehm, oke
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> You dont get the point
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> YOU CAME at last
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> I created this i searched the players
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> and fran goes with al the honor
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> why the hell u think me and fran had fighting?
01[00:06] <@joop`> Where were you last week?
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> Out of the team by him.
[00:06] <@unique`twinzzy> I talked with the manager
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> and you guys where all getting kicked
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> be happy that i helped u ?
[00:07] <@unique`Nils> OK, no go
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> now i just want to play with u guys
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> in peace
01[00:07] <@joop`> ovrboost said you were kicked by the team
[00:07] <@unique`Lakaii> Why are you acting like such a bitch
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> joop` i was.
01[00:07] <@joop`> edwin // bottled says:
01[00:07] <@joop`> maar hij werd er uit gezet door de rest, niet alleen door freez, van wat ik begreep
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> By fran
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> Not by others just by him
[00:07] <@unique`Lakaii> Don't you want this team to go far
[00:07] <@unique`Nils> unique`twinzzy we all kicked u m8
[00:07] <@unique`Lakaii> Just let it go, let it goo!!
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Lakaii
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> Np4me then remove ur tags and i will make new ones
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> np
[00:07] <@unique`twinzzy> i am just asking u nicely
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> Hold me in the clan
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> Nothing more
01[00:08] <@joop`> Ofc it's no problem, make another pstarz loel
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> naah Joop you make another teamnl
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> I talked with the management
[00:08] <@unique`Nils> They are offline :<
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> they believed me I got the current status in ET
01[00:08] <@joop`> I didn't make it, I got asked for it.
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> so Its my decission
01[00:08] <@joop`> What status?
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> Et leader + teamcaptain
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> And btw
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> im not a bitch unique`Lakaii
[00:08] <@unique`twinzzy> I just ask nice to you all
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> To stay in the clan :(
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> I want to have a second chance
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> To prove myself
01[00:09] <@joop`> Oke, we'll talk with them anyway. If they don't want us it's fine
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> toward you
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:09] <@unique`Nils> ./status unique`twinzzy [not found]
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> :D
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Lakaii
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> Lissen to me. i screwed my first chance cause of prroblems with freez. I want you guys and i want to proof that i can be normal
[00:09] <@unique`twinzzy> And can be not so bitchy
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> i just want a nice team with nice players.
[00:10] <@unique`Lakaii> As far as I'm concerned you don't have the authority to kick them out of unique, you're one person, the rest is a bunch
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> I can kick u guys :(
[00:10] <@unique`Lakaii> Why would you?
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> But i just want to have normal peace
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> I want to play with u guys
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> there can be a second leader np who can do ingame tax and stuff
01[00:10] <@joop`> Like we would care, we'll have fun with each other anyway. (oe that sounds gay)
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> :d
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> I am asking u nicely again Hold me !
[00:10] <@unique`twinzzy> wensday after the offi believe me :)
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> im nice
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Lakaii
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> same goes for you guys
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> give me my chance
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> And im not taking over the team
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> im surely not !
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> I am trying to get some tryouts so we can choose of em
[00:11] <@unique`twinzzy> And why's this happening?
[00:12] <@unique`Nils> but u havent signed a contract yet :<
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> Actually
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> i have unique`Nils
[00:12] <@unique`Nils> (22:43:06) (unique`twinzzy) Well i am signing the contract next week with them
03[00:12] * unique`Lakaii is now known as Lakaii
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> for lansupport
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> yes
[00:12] <@Lakaii> Honestly unique`twinzzy, would you get any good replacements for us?
[00:12] <@Lakaii> What kind of influence do you have in the ET scene
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii, i dont know i juts want this sorted
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> And i want to know why u dont want me
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> im skilled enough
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> nice enough
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> :S
[00:12] <@unique`twinzzy> what the problem
[00:13] <@unique`Nils> I am an asshole.
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> im sorting everything for u guys a
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> and doing my best
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii explain me
[00:13] <@Lakaii> Why does it sound wrong when the statement of you being skilled is coming from yourself :b
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> Cause i know that i can handle
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> the skills
[00:13] <@unique`twinzzy> en i want to proof
[00:13] <@Lakaii> It's about experience
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> So joop` Lakaii unique`Nils
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii believe me meight
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> Guys, keep me please? you will notice that im skilled enough
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> !
[00:14] <@Lakaii> Believe you in what?
[00:14] <@Lakaii> I can't even name any of the clans you've been in
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> And?
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> Is that neccesary
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> No offence
[00:14] <@unique`twinzzy> but why u want me out
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> only cause of exp?
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> same for you
[00:15] <@Lakaii> I'm not to take decisions here
01[00:15] <@joop`> And joop`, you are just way too sexy!
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils
[00:15] <@unique`twinzzy> Lissen up. Stay with me.
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> I'd want to be in a nice team
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> for lan
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> for etcup
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> etc
[00:16] <@unique`Nils> So do we
[00:16] <@Lakaii> By any means, without sounding arrogant, I would say the rest of the players in this team have way more experience than you
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii Could be. but when i wasi n unique
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> i was not the baddest player at all
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> im just asking u nicely to hold me
[00:16] <@unique`twinzzy> can't u try joop` Lakaii unique`Nils
[00:16] <@unique`Nils> (00:15:53) (@unique`twinzzy) I'd want to be in a nice team
[00:17] <@unique`Nils> SO DO WE
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils we got a nice team now?
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> what the problem!
01[00:17] <@joop`> First it was ok byebye, I'll make a new team. Now you want us to keep you, but you already recruited a player for us?
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> i didn't joop`
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> And you dont need to leave
01[00:17] <@joop`> What about hazer?
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> Hazer is just our 6th player?
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> our rifle
[00:17] <@unique`Nils> I think he is very confused ATM
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> No im not
[00:17] <@unique`twinzzy> not at all
[00:17] <@unique`Nils> haZER
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> afk
[00:18] <@unique`Nils> c u
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> hazer, is our rifle since u didt want to :(
01[00:18] <@joop`> He means hazer is confused.
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> I asked him so he could play ETCUP with us
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> Whats wrong with u guys :S
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> what am i doing wrong man :(
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> i jsut want to be in a team with u guys
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> and play etcup and stuff
[00:18] <@Lakaii> ... you don't get it
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> .....
01[00:18] <@joop`> What you are doing wrong is being in the main lineup without talking to us
[00:18] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
01[00:18] <@joop`> Plus getting a new player
[00:19] <@Lakaii> This team wants to play at full capacity
[00:19] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:19] <@unique`twinzzy> and joop
[00:19] <@unique`twinzzy> understand. I got taken by the management allready. And they told me to make the lineup. I put myself in. I asked all the players when freez got busted
[00:19] <@unique`twinzzy> And now u are turning against me :S
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nilsn
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> TEST ME!
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> let me stay in the clan
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> and lets play wensday
[00:20] <@unique`Nils> 1+1 ?
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> u will see
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> 1+1=3
[00:20] <@unique`Nils> 5+0.5 ?
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii ?
[00:20] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils please man stay to?
[00:20] <@unique`Nils> 5+0.5 = semi full team :<
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> im not 0.5
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> dude when i played
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> i played harder then overboost
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> deepfreez
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> god
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> so wtf :S
[00:21] <@Lakaii> yeah nice
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> Just stay ok?
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> play wensday
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> and u will se
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:21] <@unique`twinzzy> you to?
[00:21] <@Lakaii> Stay? I'm already staying, you're the one who got kicked
[00:21] <@Lakaii> :D
[00:21] <@unique`Nils> <3
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> im not actually
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> me is the one who is going over ET so u don't get it
01[00:22] <@joop`> As Lakaii said, we'll stay a team anyway.
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> then u know how to move on
[00:22] <@unique`twinzzy> byebye
[00:22] <@unique`Nils> english + r = engrish
01[00:22] <@joop`> Well, if we need to leave unique we'll go to the cups and I'm sure they will keep this team.
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> U think?
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> I could have other tryouts
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> but i am asking u guys
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> NICELY
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> to say in
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> only for ET-cup then
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> after that i will go backup?
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:23] <@unique`Nils> We can always ask, I mean do they trust a 2 yr player or 4x 4+ years players
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils aviraaz is a real life friend lol
[00:23] <@unique`Nils> Ok
[00:23] <@unique`twinzzy> what do u think we talked about this 100 times
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> about u guys getting kicked !
[00:24] <@Lakaii> unique`twinzzy, if we want to stay in unique, we could just mention all the players to the manager, and refer with their experience. What kind of experience can you refer to?
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> cause the weak performace
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> i played @ highest level to/
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> long enough
[00:24] <@unique`Nils> :D
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> So wtf ?
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> i played so many oc premier
[00:24] <@unique`Nils> (00:24:11) (@unique`twinzzy) i played @ highest level to/ <- thats bs m8
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> and al the others
[00:24] <@Lakaii> highest level, when?
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> overdose
[00:24] <@unique`twinzzy> praccing versus ec clan and stuff
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii joop` unique`Nils
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> can i stay till ETcup is over for us then
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> after that i will go backup
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> ok?
[00:25] <@unique`Nils> You wont do that
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> want to bet
[00:25] <@unique`Nils> you will consider yourself good enough anyways
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> I will go backup
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> after all the etcup matches
[00:25] <@unique`twinzzy> i promise
[00:26] <@unique`Nils> How would a bet settle anything ?
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils Lakaii
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> I go backup after i'd played etcup
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> ok
[00:26] <@Lakaii> that's the 4th time you've said that
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> after ET-cup is over for us i go backup u find replacement for me
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> then answer. U guys agree with that?
[00:26] <@Lakaii> Why do you want to do that
[00:26] <@unique`twinzzy> cause i want to play ETcup
[00:26] <@Lakaii> To get attention by playing with some known players?
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> Nop
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> To play ETCUP!
[00:27] <@Lakaii> Why don't you ask some other team?
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> its the only decent 6on6 cup wher ei can play with a TEAM
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> cause they are all full
[00:27] <@Lakaii> lol
[00:27] <@Lakaii> I can get you in one
[00:27] <@Lakaii> :D
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> I want this one
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> i played with this guys before
[00:27] <@unique`twinzzy> so
[00:28] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii joop` unique`Nils Do we got a deal? i play till ETCUP is over.
[00:28] <@unique`twinzzy> then i go BACKUP
[00:28] <@unique`twinzzy> and will manage you guys and stuff
[00:28] <@unique`twinzzy> joop` can we find eachother in this?
01[00:28] <@joop`> That would mean one of us has to sit on the bench in the ET cup?
[00:28] <@unique`Nils> I dont see why you would..
[00:28] <@unique`twinzzy> joop` then we randomly switch between players?
[00:29] <@unique`Nils> .I mean, are you working as a humanitarian now?
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> Dudes. Can i play etcup and go backup after
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> yes/no?
[00:29] <@unique`Nils> no u cant
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> Why not?
[00:29] <@unique`Nils> you will claim you are good enough
[00:29] <@unique`Nils> and then play main
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> NILS
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> ffs
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> no i wont
[00:29] <@Lakaii> (unique`Nils) (23:10:15) (unique`twinzzy) i got lakaii
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> i will go backup after
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> !
[00:29] <@Lakaii> You got me to join? :D
[00:29] <@unique`Nils> !
[00:29] <@unique`twinzzy> I asked you didn;t i
[00:30] <@Lakaii> ...
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> You said yes. And i didnt know u talked with joop before that
[00:30] <@Lakaii> I've been asked a million times to join
[00:30] <@Lakaii> LOL
[00:30] <@Lakaii> LOLOLO
[00:30] <@Lakaii> OOL
[00:30] <@unique`Nils> 3 times by me :<
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> Lakaii How could iknow i only know that deepfreez asked u once
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> can i play etcup i will go backup afte that
[00:30] <@Lakaii> (23:08:53) (unique`twinzzy) anyways could u play online with us lakaii :o
[00:30] <@Lakaii> (23:08:58) (Lakaii) yeah sure
[00:30] <@Lakaii> (23:09:01) (unique`twinzzy) @ etcup
[00:30] <@Lakaii> (23:09:04) (Lakaii) joop already asked me
[00:30] <@Lakaii> + Nils, kiitos
[00:30] <@Lakaii> have asked me before
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> I promise on my brothers grave that i go ackup after etcup
[00:30] <@unique`twinzzy> !
[00:31] <@unique`Nils> You cant say that
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> I CAN !
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> you see i can ?
[00:31] <@unique`Nils> That is way out of line
[00:31] <@Lakaii> Indeed man
[00:31] <@unique`Nils> I have a twin, and I cant believe you even said that
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> why the hell u think my name is twinzzy !
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> !!
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> eh
[00:31] <@Lakaii> ...
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> why the hellu think i asked kiitos
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> how it was to be a twinz
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> !
[00:31] <@Lakaii> Nils would never have said that if he was in the same situation
[00:31] <@Lakaii> You can't take advantage of that
[00:31] <@unique`Nils> I kno u are a twin
[00:31] <@unique`twinzzy> I was
[00:32] <@unique`Nils> was
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> and its fucked up hard, not to know
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> And when i mean something
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> i swear on him !
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> and i just ask u nicely
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> Let me get my name up with this team so i could go backup after it !
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> and i promise u guys i will
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> not claiming that im good enough for main !
[00:32] <@unique`twinzzy> ok?
[00:32] <@Lakaii> Ok stop writing, please, and let me tell you something.
[00:32] <@unique`Nils> If any family members were dead I would not swear upon them in an arguement, that is sick
[00:33] <@unique`twinzzy> ....
[00:33] <@Lakaii> 1. We don't want you.
[00:33] <@Lakaii> 2. You just want to play with us for the attention.
[00:33] <@Lakaii> 3. You can play with any other clan in ET-Cup
[00:33] <@Lakaii> 4. Why kick us out of unique when we're the best lineup they could have had?
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> 1. Why not :S only cause exp?
[00:34] <@unique`Nils> and skill
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> please nils
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> BULLSHIT
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> you know that more then mee allready
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> 2. attention
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> then i should get other guys
[00:34] <@unique`twinzzy> 3. other clans are fucked up
[00:35] <@unique`twinzzy> i want wining chance
[00:35] <@unique`twinzzy> 4. I could get better
[00:35] <@unique`twinzzy> believe me
01[00:35] <@joop`> Like who?
01[00:35] <@joop`> And why don't you take them instead of us then :D
[00:35] <@unique`twinzzy> cause i know n1ls kiitos and god allready
[00:35] <@Lakaii> We want to win, therefore we don't want to play with you
[00:35] <@Lakaii> You feel me?
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> Wait i willl help u guys
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> Bibuyzorz
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> I take the others who i aske
[00:36] <@unique`Nils> You dont know me, I told you to STFU on vent because you were whining
[00:36] <@Lakaii> What others?
01[00:36] <@joop`> If it's so hard to get into this team, and I could get an even better team, I would've choosen the better tean already.
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> joop`
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> No more arguing. I dont like people who dont take me like i am :(
[00:36] <@unique`twinzzy> to bad for you guys
[00:36] <@unique`Nils> its too bad
[00:36] <@unique`Nils> and listen
[00:37] <@unique`twinzzy> unique`Nils remove tag allready
[00:37] <@unique`Nils> and wednesday
[00:37] <@unique`twinzzy> not needed got new lineupzor :)
[00:37] <@unique`Nils> Ok
[00:37] <@unique`Nils> np
03[00:37] * unique`Nils is now known as Nils`
03[00:37] * unique`twinzzy sets mode: -o+b joop` *!*joop@*
03[00:37] * You were kicked by unique`twinzzy (Sorry :(, blacklisted)
Session Close: Tue Nov 27 00:37:32 2007

Session Start: Tue Nov 27 00:38:24 2007
Session Ident:
03[00:38] * Now talking in
03[00:38] * Topic is 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy, kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, TBA. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
03[00:38] * Set by unique`twinzzy on Mon Nov 26 23:32:18
03[00:38] * L sets mode: +o joop`
03[00:38] * Retrieving modes...
03[00:38] * joop` changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, TBA. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
[00:38] <@Nils`> (00:37:55) (unique`twinzzy) Sorry man :9
[00:38] <@Nils`> (00:37:56) (unique`twinzzy) to bad
03[00:38] * joop` changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, TBA. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
03[00:39] * joop` changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, TBA. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
[00:39] <@Nils`> (00:38:45) (unique`twinzzy) gl in future
[00:39] <@Nils`> (00:38:50) (unique`twinzzy) to bad it must go like this
[00:39] <@Lakaii> !
[00:39] <@Nils`> (00:38:50) (unique`twinzzy) to bad it must go like this
[00:39] <@Nils`> (00:39:05) (Nils`) too*
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:39:43) (unique`twinzzy) i know forgot second O
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:39:51) (Nils`) ok
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:39:58) (unique`twinzzy) Gl in future n1ls ;D
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:40:06) (Nils`) I dont have a 1 in my name
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:40:10) (Nils`) its Nils
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:40:13) (Nils`) and always has been :
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:40:14) (Nils`) <
[00:40] <@Nils`> (00:40:19) (Nils`) And gl to u 2
[00:41] <@Nils`> (00:40:37) (unique`twinzzy) :P
[00:41] <@Nils`> (00:40:42) (unique`twinzzy) meet you @ cdc
[00:41] <@Nils`> (00:41:00) (Nils`) Ok, I hope you will not hurt me or similar
[00:41] <@Nils`> (00:41:09) (unique`twinzzy) why should i :D
[00:41] <@Nils`> (00:41:41) (Nils`) I dunno, you seem unstable
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:04) (unique`twinzzy) im not :D
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:06) (unique`twinzzy) very friendly tbh
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:07) (unique`twinzzy) :D
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:23) (Nils`) but you still swear on your dead brothers grave
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:24) (unique`twinzzy) Nils`
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:30) (unique`twinzzy) yes
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:38) (unique`twinzzy) I will, i was going backup if you let me play etcup
[00:42] <@Nils`> (00:42:44) (unique`twinzzy) Nils`
[00:43] <@Lakaii> pro highlight. PL
[00:43] <@Nils`> (00:42:49) (unique`twinzzy) unbane me in the private channel pls?
[00:43] <@Nils`> (00:42:56) (unique`twinzzy) so i still can get the new ones there
[00:43] <@Nils`> (00:43:06) (Nils`) No its our channel atm
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:43:27) (unique`twinzzy) it is?
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:43:29) (unique`twinzzy) ah ok
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:43:33) (unique`twinzzy) without an name u wont come far ;(
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:43:48) (Nils`) without skill neither :<
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:44:13) (unique`twinzzy) I got new ones who where intressted i asked them before u guys even where playing versus aton:d
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:44:15) (unique`twinzzy) atoon
[00:44] <@Nils`> (00:44:21) (Nils`) I still believe my 5.5 story is accurate
03[00:44] * Lakaii changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, overboost. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
03[00:45] * Lakaii changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), joop, kiitos, n1ls, lakaii, haZer, overboost. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
[00:45] <@Nils`> (00:44:46) (unique`twinzzy) Nah it isn;t
[00:45] <@Nils`> (00:44:52) (unique`twinzzy) i was better then 50%
[00:45] <@Nils`> (00:44:53) (unique`twinzzy) of the team
[00:45] <@Nils`> (00:45:16) (Nils`) unique`twinzzy for some reason I don't beleive you, since you said we needed to find players. And if this is true, so be it... it doesn't affect my in any way
03[00:45] * Lakaii changes topic to 'Well well; Deepfreez busted. New Lineup: twinzzy(NOT), joop, kiitos, Nils, Lakaii, haZer, overboost. || Server Voice: : 4000 logitech vent2.1 || Gameserv:;password war.'
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:45:56) (unique`twinzzy) Uhu
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:45:57) (unique`twinzzy) cause
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:02) (unique`twinzzy) U guys where all getting kicked
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:03) (unique`twinzzy) :)
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:09) (unique`twinzzy) and i was coming back as leader anyways
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:14) (Nils`) and you are telling me this because?
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:29) (unique`twinzzy) So you know
[00:46] <@Nils`> (00:46:42) (Nils`) (00:45:16) (Nils`) unique`twinzzy for some reason I don't beleive you, since you said we needed to find players. And if this is true, so be it... it doesn't affect my in any way
[00:47] <@Nils`> (00:46:55) (unique`twinzzy) sup with that
[00:47] <@Nils`> (00:47:00) (unique`twinzzy) we need to find players for overboost and god
[00:47] <@Nils`> (00:47:03) (unique`twinzzy) i searched i found
[00:47] <@Nils`> (00:47:04) (unique`twinzzy) ez
[00:47] <@Nils`> (00:47:23) (Nils`) ye with your name it must be 2 e z 4 et
[00:48] <@Nils`> (00:47:44) (unique`twinzzy) i did had hazer ;S
[00:48] <@Nils`> (00:48:03) (Nils`) Ok I will give you that.
[00:49] <@Nils`> (00:48:55) (Nils`) Hazer heard who was in the clan and assumed you were leader ofc
[00:49] <@Nils`> (00:49:03) (Nils`) i.e the guy that doesnt play
[00:49] <@Nils`> hi btw haZER
[00:49] <@Nils`> (00:49:16) (unique`twinzzy) Naah i asked haZer and he joined cause he wanted to play etcup
03[00:50] * Lakaii is now known as Lakaii-OFF
[00:51] <@Nils`> (00:50:49) (unique`twinzzy) well good luck
[00:51] <@Nils`> (00:50:53) (unique`twinzzy) we see eachother on lan :d
[00:51] <@Nils`> (00:51:10) (Nils`) Yep, and I will see if you are as unstable as you seem :)
[00:51] <@Nils`> (00:51:17) (Nils`) and gl 2 u 2
[00:51] <@Nils`> the live feed is now over
[00:51] <@Nils`> enjoy it joop`!
srsly /hide :P
can't believe i read it all, wat een zielig stakkertje
Too much to read but the part that I red was pretty phunny :D
aegruS.jACKIE: your dead mother with cancer on her tits with black hair on it. You cocksucking peace of shit i'll put a cockring around ur moms neck and piss in her behind while ur dad is eating steak and fistfucking himself

this quote reminds me of rk xD
wow man, that was so hilarious
<nebu`afk> backk
<nebu`afk> what's up?:P
<KaZe-> wb :)
<KaZe-> im making some free places on my hard dick for gta
<KaZe-> :D
<KaZe-> omg
<KaZe-> hard disk *
<nebu`afk> hahahhaah
<nebu`afk> omg
<nebu`afk> busted
haha rofl'd :D
Quote joke on 14/10/08, 19:25:44 PM | Reply

Aliens have their problems too, why should they solve ours?

Reky on 14/10/08, 19:32:32 Del | Edit | Reply

yes like alien colon cancer , harsh stuff
worth reading!
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