Happy birthday Jarza!

Today one of the sexiest russians fintards, Jarza, turns 18!!!
Dear ladies, that means this piece of well-baked meat is up for grabs and finally legal!

I just wanted to wish you all the best, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ya FinlandJarza!

Quote from Prelli:
Men voivittsi va bra du skujt! (modified, but still)
Just thinking of Prelli makes me smile! He is the best!
But kom igen nu JanniGegga get a grip on OC!
No teamplay, no win. (in other words, JanniGoGo = no win ) :)
Just call 555-vArgen-hax and I will supply you with what you need!
I have to tell you what I had to tell the woman who wanted to inform me she had AIDS and that I might have been infected to;

"You aint got half the shit I got, sister"
Jarza min gosefis! Grattis på din 18-års dag!!!
HAHAH JARXZAA :______D onnee jarkkenstain ! nähää vkl ;)

ps. i was going to make this journal but some fag was faster than me -.-
men vitsi va nice :)
too late men hb jarzjenatorN2k9<3
;o too late but..
<3333 HB my skilled finnish friend!:D
"i heard..." ;p
aaa Jarza <3 how i can forget it :<
srry :< Now u are a man ! :D
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