new cpu + mainboard :]

i wanna buy a new cpu and a new mainboard
because my amd x2 5600+ is shit :s

im not sure what i should buy.
I have ca 250 euro atm.

Maybe the Duo E8500 ( 152 euro) or the Core 2 Quad Q6600( 140 euro )or another ?
And the mainboard, dunno, so i need your help :)

I need your advice.

Thx in advance!

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amd x2 5600+ is shit?
ya and amd with his x2 is shit too :P
nah my amd lost his power. thats all

or wait for Core i7 <3
core i7 ? wtf? :D what is that :D

and when comes it out?
New gen cpu's. New socket and new everything.
Just get decent p45 mobo with a price of ~100
image: everest-corei7
image: 3dmvantage-corei7
image: cod4-corei7
image: winrar-corei7
Some other benchmarks;)
But as you can see, its not perfect for gaming.
mhmmm but im a gamer so i shouldnt buy this :D
True and its expensive. The cpu isnt that expensive, if you buy the cheapest one, but the mobo and the memory makes it expensive.
mhmmm but I'llwait when the i7 series come out maybe when the other cpu's will be cheaper :P but what i should buy if i buy a quad core?
Uhm a Q9450 is the best qcore atm i guess for its price.
to expensive for me :D but thx ! :)
nice i hope it doenst take so long :P
afaik it will be released this month. NOt sure tho
17 november

and I wouldn't thrust too much on those benchmarks...

A friend of my has engineer sample and he says that sometimes in games it performs like 50% better than the best Quad Core atm (QX9770) so ;)

But yes, you will need other mobo and memory.
17 november

my birthday
If you wait, wait for Nahelem .... and Q6600 is crappy kind of shit.
i7 = more costly CPU, mobo and DDR3. Yeah, that fits easily to 250euros = not!
yes, but I only want to point out that if you can afford it in a few months (like end this year when the prices already dropped) you can better wait.
Yes, you can always wait, there is always that few months away. That ensures you never get to buy a PC.
It's really retarded to buy a complete new computer when something totally new comes out in just a few weeks

anyways, not my money.
Just looking at gaming benchmarks, the difference isn't that huge that you should invest a lot more money into it.
Lukos on 15/10/08, 13:08:27 Del | Edit | Reply

17 november

and I wouldn't thrust too much on those benchmarks...

A friend of my has engineer sample and he says that sometimes in games it performs like 50% better than the best Quad Core atm (QX9770) so ;)

He's writing reviews for some european websites, I believe him more than these chinese benchmarks :s
P5Q - E and E8400/8500

should be arround 250 euros and you got nice hardware
imo not ... but what do you need it for if you spend only 250 euros^^
true but I have 2 grakas :D
hmmm .... I think SLI ready boards are more expensive ... didnt check this because i dont need.
my board what i have, K9N Neo, I get it for60 euro or so with sli :D
seems I am missinformed^^ just google for sli ready board and pick one^^

and check for 1600 fsb.
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