2v2 official1

now in cb ladder we have 10 place pm me here
tonight maybe... #pure.et
not vs mr. speedy gonzales!
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2v2 official1
2v2 offi
voiler need
3v3 offi
any 6v6 cup today or smth ?

Maaaaaan, try IRC !
rofl ladders are so inactive that you have to make a journal to find a match... you can be very proud m8
Yeah, omg, at 15.30 in the afternoon and he can't find an official omfg what is this world coming to?
in old days we searched for a war at IRC m8, even when it was 15:30..
true, but nowadays ladders have somewhat been replaced by cups
jup idd, but I prefer the old days with the ladders :( the competition between all clans to become higher and better than the other ones on the ladder :)
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