recent games

so guys, whats shit and what isnt

i just realised that the only single player games i have on my harddrive are system shock, deus ex, monkey island and uplink

and i figure since I have a new rig I might aswell try out something new because I can

so, what good games came out in the last 1/2/3 years that you can recommend me, if it sucks then I won't mind so long as I can get addicted to for a long period of time but if it's a good game then it doesn't need to be addictive or long

tldr; recommend me some games

in before Crysis, Assasins Creed, Bioshock, Spore and other shit games I don't want to play at all

(and yes I already know Fallout 3 will be released soon and yes I intend to play it and experience the ruin)
wanna send it?
lego batman / indiana jones
sam & max the new games that came out
fahrenheit / indigo prophecy or something like that is just awesome
gears of war
stalker if u like shooter with rpg elements ,its cool for some hours but then its just mega boring

nothing can reach monkey island and all the "old" games. there is mostly just shit coming out . all super gfx but no fun to play at all imo
Waiting for Far Cry 2!
Mass Effect

Upcoming: Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Empire: Total War
mass effect :D such a bad game :P i hated it so much ^^
All new games suck ass.
just play fallout 1/2 again just as im doing
thief - deadly shadows

a wonderful game!
Thief the dark project and Thief 2 metal age are even better than this 3rd one. Especially Thief 2.
thief 2 rocked like hell! but the new engine and the stealing in the city in the 3rd part is really funny and makes the game more "freely"
In my opinnion... maps in the Thief 2 had lot more alternative routes and options than maps in Thief 3. Ofc you could explore city in Thief 3 but that was just in parts between the maps. There could have been more interesting places and buildings to enter in Thief 3 city. :)
hm...both are great. finish :DDD

heard something about thief 4?
No I haven't... only some rumours that it might be coming...
Wish looking class studios were still alive and kicking and making Thiefs. :(
would be great oO

huger map, more lvls and more "mini-lvls" better graphics, and better sound (thief3 works perfectly on my comp, but no sound :( )
i have deus X and theif1 not extracted, just cba :D
install ggpo and play 2d beat'em ups online
or kawaks32 with kailera :x
kaillera doesn't have antilag, ggpo does D:
never had lags @ kailera unless you play some Israeljews on a China server
well on kaillera if you ping your opponent 100 ms, then every action you perform will happen 100 ms later on your screen, with ggpo it happens instantly (it has a simple latency hiding system)
Live for speed
bioshock is excellent and AC is ok, bot hare great for experiencing
you are just a nubcake who thinks u are god and only play cool korean games

i absoloutely LOVE the system shock games

bioshock is a spiritual sequel to them...

bioshock does not even come CLOSE to being as good as the system shock games were ;_;
it looks like u didnt even try
you're an annoying brat who thinks he knows everything about everyone
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
you are just a nubcake who thinks u are god and only play cool korean games
Full throttle, The Dig.
Brothers in Arms - Hell's Highway!
trials 2
Baldur's Gate
PC games are dead
dead is a pcgame
how far did you get in uplink?
completed it on both arcs, max achievements including easter eggs, revelationcore etc

some of the custom lan challenges were really hard :(
damn impressive,

i played it as realistic as possible, which ment my final achievement was hacking the bank with a few million dollar and having to move every time i got busted ;/

but i never really got the lan thing, i'd love to navigate through the system but as soon as the admin logged in i was fucked up, couldnt find a way to get rid of em without resetting myself aswell~

gg tho
I'm playing Call of Cthulhu atm, which is a really nice game, if you're into the Lovecraft universe. It has one or two quirks, but repays you with great atmosphere.
Far Cry 2, Fable 2 and Saints Row 2 all out soon
morrowind! best free roaming game so far
Pokémon 3!
devil may cry 4, Supreme Ruler 2020, Colonization (new one), Crysis Warhead.
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