crazy idea

so, i was browsing webz and read some stuff where some specialists answer questions people ask them.

would it work in our scene? like:

- need someone to publish the "results" after its done
- need to find this "specialist" who is inside the scene who to "interview", could be more than 1 aswell. He just needs to answer questions best he can and beeing honest ofc!
- need people to make up questions (could be clan stuff, player stuff, game stuff) and then the man behind it to pick the best ones what are asked by the "specialist"

whats the point?

Well, it would be kind of interview but probably questions would be better. Usually interviews are boring because over the half of questions are like "who are you and where you are from and what are yor ex clans etc" + there aint that much of interviews anyway. Also that it would not be about one subject but with variety of different things.

Could be even good project for some website to boost their site activity.
waiting for your interview.
waiting for the motivated people.
Yeah, like "inside the crossfire" -section, it could be like movies- or tutorial-section. It just need few guys to update it and monitor the stuff.

O HAI, GOOD MORNING FROM THE OFFICE, got few minutes before first shipment arrives, sipping coffee and listening music.
is this your first job in your life because you seem to be in heaven ?
First office job where I don´t have to work my ass off every day, I have been on constructions etc. doing real work all my life. I like this better.
well i have to agree with you, i have worked on metal factories about 4years and it was tough and shit paid job. now i got a new job what manufactures electrosurgical and other types of medical and surgical equipment. everything else is good in here (paycheck,spirit,izi and clean job etc) but the fucking evening shift! :D omfg that really pisses me off. (even tho in 4years i should got used to it but i'm not)
i like the idea, avi for interview
Retard idea
i am the insider
i guess its tru.....
and the young one (who r the majority) r mostly "too childish" imo...
why wont the "grownup" do that then?
not that the wont do it. but not that serious imo....
except the exceptions ofc!
seems nice idea, it's nice to read about players, maybe even some funny facts about them
Just tell twidi the interview sux, nothing to be afraid of!
nice idea, you don't wanna do it by yourself?

if people would be interested i could imagine to help to get it running...
et business
only thing we need is oasis

*edit* + nade/ari/airstrike hitsounds etc ofc
Already busy with a special News project.
looking forward to it!
Iviews are a pain to do... if you do get a few decent questions the chances of anyone answering interestingly is next to nil. 'n those willing to do anything generally don't have the knowledge of the better players to ask the right questions. You need to know what you want someone to say, and so already have the knowedge to formulate the correct questions.

When did a player last give a funny honest iview answer like this?

Quote by chmppnot that much, just small gameplay changes if we know something about the opponent but it kinda comes automatically no need to make focus on it

back in the days I remember playing p!mpd/snype in goldrush, they had a really odd defence (but which worked very well) and first times we simply got bashed but later when we focused on how they play it we managed to find ways to outplay them (which led them doing same about our new tax). Really pain in the ass when you find out one attack route and then they take focuse on it too.

Also u96d and parodia needed some different tax. In supply we kinda studied important stuff (where raveneye plays, how he plays, how to kill him). I think we even made once mortar places for Nonix just to focuse on raveneye :D. Overally, I think it worked pretty good and it gave us chance of winning in officials (well, didnt get more than 3 rounds from parodia but still xD) and what with the normal gameplay wouldve been impossible to to.

I think there is no need to do that kind of stuff at the moments, there aint that special players around - except for aimers like maus, wiesiek where you need just to avoid getting backraped them. And for the people like wiadro it would not work since he is able to kill you wherever you camped. (its like more when he nades you and you try to dodge it)
well not sure... :P
depends on each person imo!!!
:o cu at cc5?
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