In the Crossfire...

Hey m8s,

about 1 year ago Germany chosen published the first and last "In The Crossfire" - a great summary of all things happening to ET at that time...

I searched for the newspost and I found this website:

fine and good - but I think to remember that there was a .pdf file to read it offline but I cant find it again...

Due to my "no internet at my new home till the next month" I am really in need of the .pdf file ;p

Would be great if someone can help me.
I remember it! Didn't it have a page where chaplja had an interview or something?
I actually think I have it, but I don't get home before 17.30 CET :P
Just take screenshots/save the sites :o
ye found that as well..but i want the .pdf file...

but nvm i took screens now ;D
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