Nice letter!

Just got a letter from Britains Got Talent which they want me to go audition for!!!

What shall i do? Go for it or forget it!! :DDD
whats ur talent
make a song how you are owning and you are a winner!
go for it
yea go for it and dont forget a shoutout to crossfire :D
Record a video & post it on youtube - we'll judge ;)
I got a letter from x factor but my family/friends/gf all laughed at me so I didn't go

go for the fun of it even if u suck just try to get on tv
I would rather do X Factor because at the first audition for BGT you have to go in front of an audience
I really wanna do big bro and i'm 18 now so i'm gonna go to the auditions when they are on!
Yeah and me! <3 BB
Go sing the uber pwner song or w/e it's called. :D
Just go naked on tv and yell "props to ma homies on crossfire".
Not being rude but can you really sing if you do its a great talent to have mate go for it nothing to lose
I think its a decnt voice!
go and make a shoutcast to me :>
skip BGT, focus on ET EuroCup next year!
doesn't everybody get the chance to to an audition :s ?
GOGOGOGOOGOGO SKYDEH. maybe u will gimme a shoutout unlike mr. chorley fm.
Lol, he hasnt gave me one either!! FAG
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