Internet problem :<

:< since 2 days my internet connection is acting really strange, i'm getting speeds of 20 KB/s and my latency is 200 + i tryed connecting the internet straight without a router = Same shit

ISP Modem ---> Router - PC1/PC2/PC3/Xbox 360

# 3 Computers & Xbox 360

I got this problem on all 3 the computers. I tryed calling my ISP but they told me that my internet connection line is almost perfect and that there isnt a problem with my connection :S

Normal speeds : 1,3 MB/s
Upload : 230 Kb/s

Kudo's ! for everyone that helps me <3
gone forever we are done with world views mechanical;
none shall ever, be slaves to thoughts inside your head.
banaan has a problem help him :(
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