what do you do

if somebody comes into your room?­­­­­­­­
i am going to masturbate and if she/he surprises me .. I am just going to shoot my load on her/his face...
personally, we have a creaky floorboard in the hall so I can hear if people are outside my room which gives me time to minimize any tv, games, imageboards - it's usually a reflex reaction, and usually people don't even end up coming into my room

if they do though ill swivel my chair round to hide a little more and stare at them until they feel uncomfortable and leave again, if they talk I'll respond with "uh" and "meh" noises until they finish what they are doing and leave

if my door gets left open i get up and shut it right behind them to let them know that i dont want my door leaving open

often enough just hearing people moving around outside gives me nausea and my throat gets dry which takes time to fade before i can go back to doing what i was doing

for me it's always very frightening, so i ask you, how do you feel in your room?
omg how i laughed xDD
serious perfo are you afraid??????????? ...............

edit: i feel comfo all the time, i can do what i want until its 5.30 in the morning . then my roommate opens main door and whistles a fucking happy song until ui wanna kill him like every mass-murderer does ( i just feel it that way)....if he will ever do it again i will call fucking police to get this fucker outta here. this fucking trance-listening cocksucker. if there will be a single noise of him again i will either fucking kill him with my baseballbat (yes, i have one) or will just kick-vote this bitch outta that hostel..i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds to me like you may have schizoid personality 'disorder', which also fits your character from the posts of yours I've read. There are certainly some schizoid/avoidant traits there.
I wouldn't be surprised. I don't even know how to begin changing. I'm lying my way through therapy in the hope that I can get discharged because I feel like shit going all the time but not wanting to change and I just feel like I'm wasting the time of everyone involved.
Get as far away from the pc as possible. Sounds like you be stuck in a self-perpetuating rut. Should hope you're going to uni soon which'll give you little choice... - "is this it / am I happy with this?", end it or change it. Only you can.
Change is possible, I don't know if I want to though, that's the issue. :(
Without knowing you it's hard to judge, but from what you've said here you sound a lot like I was (to an extent still am) - aggressive to the family (do not enter my room!), cut contacts with friends, generally resented being moved from the pc / going out, no real motivation to do anything productive, slacked off at college due to the late nights eventually dropping out. And for what? People mock, but shit I know of at least one other person that was like that, so given the few people I know there's gotta be plenty out there...

I cracked 'n realised this can't be it. Moved out & tried to start again. Forced into social situations (thank christ!) - the irony being I've not changed so much. Took a while to realise it's ok to be a geek & still go out some :v

'n I'm sorry to resort to chiché, you regret that which you don't do. It's not a great situation to be in but generally most people aren't as judgemental as you think. Least for me it was like a mental barrier - the rooms safe, the internets safe (lolz internet care what you say!) - but that can't be everything.

Fuck the psychology of it all, just my personal experience.

('n I hope this aint some joke 'n you're taking the piss now!)
1) Mute my microphone
2) Get all pissed off because I'm busy
3) Tell her (it's always my mother) that I want her to leave the room


e: Apparently it was about getting caught while giving myself a jerk. Sorry, never happened.
no it isn't ;_;
i thought it was you bro
i will say to them "the fuck r u doin in my room" and then i will wait for an answer and carry on playin q3 :O)
Lies, we all heard your parents shout at you on ventrilo!
Very demanding : D
One of my unit mates has the annoying habit of walking into my room when I'm asleep. Kinda freaks me out whenever I wake up to her sitting in my room. I suspect her to be a direct descendant from I AM A CAT
unit? as in army?
nah, unit as in housing unit.
I wud ask how he/she opened the locked door
that would be the way in home town but we rather keep door unlocked there so there wont be that many windows crashed ( gun would not probably to be meant kill others than animals though)
gun would not probably to be meant kill others than animals though
I dont see anything special in somebody coming to my room :<
mmm, not even in the extreme case that you are playing a game or browsing a crossfire thread with a bunch of disturbing images in for instance?
"Those fucking retards on the internet."
i need a fucking sfw version of crossfire :<<<
id knock them the fuck out. i live in a large house, on my own, if someones there i dont know about, well, its a burglar....
how lonely :(
youd think so. but it isnt. considering your mum comes round 3 times a week to clean and "polish" my brasswork.

nah, but really, the girl im seeing stays mibbe 3 times a week, which by the way, is far too much and starting to worry me. if she comes in my room, well, shes more than welcome, as long as she brings me toast, tea and lots of pedro pics in the daily "gay mans magazine"....
Missiles flying!
do you have to pay more for her to act as a maid?
you'd think so wouldnt you, but she quite likes the feather duster....
I always leave my door open, execpt when sleeping.
I live in apartment where 3 students share the same kitchen, shower and toilet. Everyone have their own room ofc. The respect for privacy is one thing. But even when the door is open and if someone would come in to my room, I would ask him to leave, politely, and knock on the door/ask may he come in. If he decides not to leave, then I would propably kick his ass :)
your profile pic freaks me out :<
because he has a huge chest? :x ... feel intimidated?
no. i cant decide if its photoshopp'd , it looks like a man with a womans face. your long lost twin brother perhaps?

*EDIT* i think its the eyebrows! (or not)
Nah, webcam just sucks :l
i say

I would personally ask them to leave before i show them my baseball bat or my acustic guitar
Using an acoustic guitar as a weapon is not the wisest thing, let me tell you!
stopping wanking
depends who it is.
What if it was me? :O
What if it was me? :O
What if it was gnajda? :O
What if it was yourself? :O
Transcendental masturbation? :D
What if it was sqzz? :O
Probably pretty much nothing. Ignore them if I'm in a war, explain what I'm doing if they're interested, quit what I'm doing and hang out, whatever. Most of the people who'd be likely to come into my room know me well enough to know everything I'm involved with online. Pr0n would be the only embarrassing thing I guess, but not too bad, since pretty much everybody does it...

Actually that's interesting. Thinking about it, I have five completely separate groups of friends: family friends, work friends and "the guys I know outside work" in real life; esports/ET friends and friends from another community online, I'd be far more apprehensive about people in the real life groups meeting people in the other real life groups unexpectedly than I would about any of them meeting the online groups.
I would grab the fake sword (whose tip is very pointy btw) which hangs above my sofa and would start swinging it in front of the intruder.
i care.
personally, we have a creaky floorboard in the hall so I can hear if people are outside my room which gives me time to minimize any tv, games, imageboards - it's usually a reflex reaction, and usually people don't even end up coming into my room

if they do though ill swivel my chair round to hide a little more and stare at them until they feel uncomfortable and leave again, if they talk I'll respond with "uh" and "meh" noises until they finish what they are doing and leave

if my door gets left open i get up and shut it right behind them to let them know that i dont want my door leaving open

often enough just hearing people moving around outside gives me nausea and my throat gets dry which takes time to fade before i can go back to doing what i was doing

for me it's always very frightening, so i ask you, how do you feel in your room?
My door is always locked and no one ever comes in. If that were to happen, I'd probably just lob whatever blunt object I can find at the intruder.
Minimize CS, alt+tab to the homework assignment that I should have been working on, and pretend I was being a good boy... that's what I did when I lived with my parents so that instinct is built into me even tho nobody cares if I'm doing homework or not :/
Own flat ftw!
? o_o

nothing :f
dno why they cant see im playing a game, not like im watching gay porn or w/e .

so normally i just keep doing w/e i'm busy with - and sometimes just mute microphone and see whats up.
depends who's coming in huh :)
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