old match conflict

get me exact time and date when it was played, and I'll check if I still got mine
Monday 3 July 2006 23:00
gtv says 04.07.06 22:00, u sure?
hms weird stuff lol :p
search -> nuggan is easier?
Or you have the original ones from swedish boyz?
Or you have renamed em?
I think I saw the game (pretty sure it was on ettv) so I think I got demos from wizzel potm (he's always been the most suspicious guy). But I should also have the DLed demos from cb in somewhere

but I have re-installed a million times and used 3 different PCs since that date... I'll have a look now, but no promises !
omg how i laughed xDD
serious perfo are you afraid??????????? ...............

edit: i feel comfo all the time, i can do what i want until its 5.30 in the morning . then my roommate opens main door and whistles a fucking happy song until ui wanna kill him like every mass-murderer does ( i just feel it that way)....if he will ever do it again i will call fucking police to get this fucker outta here. this fucking trance-listening cocksucker. if there will be a single noise of him again i will either fucking kill him with my baseballbat (yes, i have one) or will just kick-vote this bitch outta that hostel..i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:O i remember tht one, imbecil had REALLY good vids against nuggern but w/e
ye i remember these avis, the beach ones were silly but some of the others were really fishy to say the least.
Haha I also remember that one :D. The avi's on braundorf were kinda...obvious.

Edit: Only got a avi of Nuggan on et_beach left. :(
ask the swedes
u can find the videos on decems ftp
The PBscreenshots don't give any proof, they're like any other normal screenshot
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