ET ping (problem)

Hi. my problem is that : My normal ping is like 40-50, i play for a while, but then my ping goes to 999 like for 5-10 seconds, and then -> 40-50. I've noticed that it happens only in ET. Not in warsow or cs... how do i fix it? I have new computer, and it happened as old pc too. My Firewall does not defence ET or pb.... my english is not good i know it.. but hope you can help and understand me what i said.. :) Can you guys help me? plx :- D
hmm, I think that's causing the problem...

Can't say a lot more since Im not a ET/CS/Warsow expert :\
:/ thank you, but i just wanna fix the problem :' <
u can try to use an internet cable :D

gl with ur problem :<
disable WZC
wireless zero configuration , u have to disable it ,
Quote by vikazz
Dignitas Clan: Please guys use the money you won in the contest on plastic surgery, it's definitly needed trust me!
Night - You know there is a place called gym seen one lately? your body shape is almost an exact copy as a pear.
urtier - Well not very much to say, besides that you are as wide as our 50 inch plasma tv.
senji - Oh it's you Senji pew, thought there for a moment that it was my dying grandfather, wrinkles at the age of what 18? = not good.
JaKaZc - First nice outfit! Please do us a favor don't actually wear the clothes you get from your grandparents ok? I mean come on brown manchester pants? :S
RELOAd - I don't know what to say actually, you must be the worst looking guy in the whole world. I'm out of words seriously dude please do something. I mean it's easy to put out the bad parts of everyone but sadly i don't have time for that when it comes to you. God you are so ugly!
r3vers - First of all get a haircut, you look like mickey mouse.
Btw i don't understand how you all can be so ugly and play in the same clan, i mean if you had aids it would be understandable but well have you got aids btw :S?

I lol'd :D
I dont have there in the fucking list any WZCSVC
if its only in ET and not in CS/WSW, it's probably not a wireless-problem.
i tend to agree!
Nice faking me, my ex-nickname was ryty!1
Wireless connection.
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