eating pattern

Do you have eating pattern ?

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once in 2 days
whats that?
If you eat everyday on the same times or smth
Nope, I eat when I hunger.
Not as in eating on certain times :P
Same as Hattfatt
breakfast - ~ 7.00

lunch - ~12.00

Dinner - ~18.30

weekends is different:p
so you dont eat for 13 hours ? 0_o
he is asleep for most of those 13 hours

edit: or he is not yet hungry for first 5,6 hours after dinner and then he fells asleep and he wakes up hungry and eats breakfast :)
little snacks after dinner ;P forgot to mention
I don't eat for like 14 hours :O
why you are proud its not healthy u idiot
Quote by ^palaComment Ignored (+)
sad, you obviously pressed the "+", but you cant face something, like you did last time
but it's expected an retard like you will write comment ignored like before
if you reply with "comment ignored" you are a nerd with 8cm dick
Quote by ^palaComment Ignored (+)
you must be in bad shape then, are u ? :(
I dont believe, I am sure you are in bad shape. Or you lied with this no eating :)
well, I sometimes have a small bread at around 10 o'clock, but not regularly. The time of my last meal isn't stable either, so it's possible that I'm still eating at around 11 pm, and the time of lunch differs from 11.45 to 12.30.

But still, I'm not in bad shape at all, I'm visiting a gym regularly, and that's not a problem at all...
I sometimes go a day or two without eating and I'm doing ok. A bit skinny but thats all. Well, thats only weekends and holidays, during schooltime I usually need to eat dinner every day.
7am - Cini Minis with milk
1pm-3pm - main meal (soup+meat with potatos with salad + drink)
7pm-10pm - sandwiches with butter with ham with ketchup

np for student :D
Don't you get bored of the same food every day?
I didnt say its the same meal.
Everyday soup is different, second part is also different (meat made in million different ways / spaghetti / pierogy / many more), sandwiches are just an example of a small dinner.

But if it comes to breakfast - yes, i have been eating cornflakes for many years now :D thats crazy but i just like them
no i dont.

i always eat at different times and also little snacks between those times (smth like sandwich etc.)
sandwiches - ~ 6.00 or 7.00

sandwiches - ~ 10.00

sandwiches - ~12.00

sandwiches - ~ 15.00

Dinner - ~17.00

some fruit - ~ 21.00

i eat like every hour when im on school;x
I usually don't have the time to take breakfast, then at around 12 o'clock I have lunch, and in the evening I usually eat several small things.
lunch 11:00 (monday-friday if at work)
"breakfest" 08:50 (monday-friday if at work. only a sandwich :p)

i eat dinner like 3-5 in a month if needed.
hard to have patters if my days at work are like, 7:00-19:00

i dont usually eat breakfest.. just coffee or juice or smth.

so i would say, no i have not
every 3 hours with 25g whey when I'm training, else I just eat when I feel like it
on weekdays:
a snack/fruit around 9:00
lunch (sandwiches) at 12:00
a small snack/fruit or sandwiches (when I'm planning to exercise) around 15:00
dinner at 17:30 (if I do sports it often gets kinda late, 19:30-20:00)

in weekend:
breakfast at 10:00
a snack/fruit at 14:30
dinner at 18:00
breakfast 7am
snack (banana) 10am
lunch 12am
dinner 6pm
apple or yoghurt 10pm
amount of food depends of how much calories I need for trainings :-)
what's that? some nerd stuff prolly
Yep, it's not for normal people like you
go fuck ur mother
I must be a weird person, I would never do that.
Just checked you are 17, then i understand all your problems.
nerd :-----------------------D
kind of, I eat on the train station befor eI go to work, then around 11:30 - 12:00 in the lunchbreak and around 18:00 at home.

but in the weekends I eat when I want to.
i eat all day as much as i can i hate it to be hungry , mostly italian food pasta and stuff and kebab when im out but have no real pattern i guess
no breakfast, little lunch, heavy dinner, midnight snack. i know its wrong ^^
open mouth - chew - swallow - nice n simple
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