Building new PC

CPU: Intel duo E8500
GFX:nVidia 8800GT 512MB
HD:500GB SATA2 7200RPM 16MB

I kind of have problems with finding MB and RAM, since I know shit about them. Any help, any suggestions, anyone with bad experience with any of the parts? Should I add any cooling shiat?
Nice one, GL.
PQ5 series (asus) is good :]
price limit?

sorry can't find you prices you would pay, I use an American site so I am not gonna post suggestions...
i need a new pc2 but i wanna by car/motobike in ~ half year :<

gl and hf with your pc anyway ^_^
I wouldn't take e8500 on your place, also you don't need corsair 550W for that 88gt and you can get better card tbh
i alrdy have the 8800gt, whats wrong with him? and i want a decent PSU, maybe one day i will have dual 8800 or some shit
if you got the moneys then change 8800gt->hd4850/hd4870 and as for ram take the cheapest ddr2-800 available
QuoteThe IC's used in a memory module are much more important than the brand itself.

Unfortunately the usual ddr2 IC list I use seems to be down at the moment :(

Basically you should be avoiding Elpida IC's and aiming for Migron. ProMOS is good but not optimal.
if you want to overclock then take better cooling, if not then the intel stock HSF should be enough

if you do decide to go the OC route, then you want to be looking at zalman, scythe, thermalright, noctua for CPU cooling. How far you go depends on your budget. I'm running a Scythe Mugen and it's keeping my quad core at 27c idle and thats at 3.3ghz
na i aint planing on overclocking, but i do not want some heating problems thou and i also dont want to have too much money spent on them though
There are plenty of "mid-range" cpu coolers out there which will perform better than the intel HSF without spending too much money
CPU: could also go for QuadCore, depends on you
MB: take a random P35 one
GFX: pretty outdated
PSU: Antec / OCZ (500/600/650W)
HD: 500GB SATA2 7200RPM 16MB
yes but i have the gfx and my father said i payed too much for it so i keep it
He found your GFXcard too expensive?

(and go for a HD with 32 MB Cache if you can)
i bough new pc etc and he takes my new one and i buy other pc(cuz of some problems with gaming, nothing to do with too low performance) so im buying a new pc, but taking the 8800 out of it
and no, i aint buying radeon :S
Could you please reformulate that sentence. Didnt understand one shit.
1)i bought new pc
2) i had problems with it
3)my father will take it, but i will keep the 8800
4) im buying new pc
5)i keep the 8800, and build a gear around it
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