bioshock's story

Does anyone know how long it will take me to understand the story a bit more? I'm only on level 2, but I find it preety confusing.

From what i've gathered so far this andrew ryan made rapture, but he went crazy or something. Also steinman is a bit of a crazy cosmetic surgeon, but what is adam?

Should i start again and pay more attention or will it all become clear? And how many levels are there?
Story is more then that. You know only what you have been told.
As long you play the more story will open your eyes. Remember to do write things :).

"The development of ADAM - stem cells harvested from a previously unknown species of sea slug - by Dr. Bridgette Tenenbaum further upset the social balance. ADAM's prevalence greatly accelerated genetic engineering research"

Notice how the guy on radio asks for your help "Would you kindly?"
you could just you know... play the game

also if you are expecting another System Shock then prepare to be disappointed, Bioshock doesn't even come close
well i don't want to play the game knowing i've missed vital information, which I was asking have I by now? Because I don't really know what's going on :)
ive read it on wikipedia, i cant remember it now, but u should take a look, quite cool
btw you sux
the whole death mechanism is horrible.
how about you find ur own name , mr fanboy
me? Incase it is, i never heard of another snk. plus, i stopped using this ingame alias 3 years ago xd.
I liked the game but those Big Daddy's were to strong for me :<
Research has shown nC customers find that difficulty.
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