excel vs FiFg replay

image: 20qgpya

Where are the replays? >:(
rofl how the hell can you loose against americans? =D

[10:47am] <nde|warp> Did you guys win the cup?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> yes
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Excellent
[10:47am] <nde|warp> How does it feel?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> ;o
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> as usual
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Like great or just like cool?
[10:48am] <uQ-Ati_> ... -.-
[10:48am] <nde|warp> lol
[10:48am] <nde|warp> I dunno, Im an American
they played with 50 ping we with 150.
decider was oasis.
They're still americans :XDDD
true, no excuses on that one :(
We pwned Americans in Oasis WITH TLR :LOL
lol, nice log XD
ninjas stole them
Guess I'll never see the replay, don't think it's possible to catch one of those. :(
what program for serverbrowsing is that?
splatterladder? :XD
qry OldMan for replay, since the ettvs weren't able to replay it
ah ok thanks
huh? excel still plays?
As much as any decent American team plays... Almost never.
Its pretty much just a mix team with afew excel members on it, :P
lol, they played normal oasis :D
we failed badly :(
Awesome match, have to see it again.
i don't get fifg guys, like last oc they were so good and now they suck so hard...wtf?
how do they suck hard, excel is the best NA team and it was played on a NA server so the result was pretty obvious
The NA scene now is worse than it was a year or two ago, being best doesn't mean that much. Not to say they're not good, but with the current level of activity, they're definitely not at full potential.
Last summercup there was no competition.
Not one really skilled team participated.
And we are not "sucking" atm we have good results vs nice teams in pracs and officials.
don't get it wrong but when i played against you last year, oyu were way better team but as i play now against u, i can't say that ur as good as back then
and best NA team is as skilled as mid EU team so that's not an excuse
definately not true
lol @ blaming ping
if you have like never played with such a ping, then it's quite hard to play with 150-170 ping instead of 50, it's really difficult, at least for me it was and my teammates told me the same
I got the feeling that we wouldve won quite easy when all players wouldve got good ping (read: LAN)
Anything under 200 is playable.

Ping isn't the issue, ping difference is. That being said ping difference affects players on both ends as its all about client interaction.Meaning if your having a hard time hitting them cause your ping is high, they're having an equally hard time hitting you.

Evil has over 70 members & many from Europe that play our servers daily. I see pings well over 200 on our servers all the time. I have the hardest time getting my hits to register on them as they do me.
well maybe it it is if u are use to it but if ur used to 50 and have to play one offi with 200 ping then it's far from "OK"
like playing team estonia vs japanese guys on NA server: we got raped so hard but if we played them with 50 ping they were raped hard so ping difference 4 times is very big deal and at least for me eg is 100 ping already unplayable
all you need to know its 8bits lost and whined about ping
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